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Stories Published Between 1/1/2008 And 4/1/2008
3/31/2008 SRI Fund Pioneers Unveil Triple Punch
3/31/2008 Invesco Aim Finishes Rebranding, Unveils New Logo
3/31/2008 A Baltimore Firm Loses Sub-Advisory Mandates
3/31/2008 Former Illinois Fund Manager Has Political Hopes Dashed Again
3/31/2008 William Blair Looks to Emerging Markets for its New Fund
3/31/2008 Invesco Alum is One of Two Bush Picks for SEC Posts
3/31/2008 Big Brokerages Give ETFs a Chance
3/31/2008 Treasury Suggests Global Mutual Funds, Simpler ETF Registrations
3/28/2008 Vanguard Moves Around Fund Managers
3/28/2008 NTGI Fills Presidential Role
3/28/2008 Inflows Pick up in February
3/28/2008 Ex-JPMorgan Equity Director Ends up Back Where He Started
3/28/2008 BGI Taps Annuity Provider for its 401k Product
3/28/2008 ProShares Unveils a Pair of New ETFs
3/28/2008 Schwab Bond Fund Falls Hard
3/28/2008 Market-Timing Complaint Looms for a U.K. Hedge Fund Manager
3/27/2008 PIMCO Makes Spring Promotions
3/27/2008 Ex-Fidelity Worker Claims She is a Protected Whistleblower
3/27/2008 Janus Could Give Executives the Option of a Bigger Payout
3/27/2008 Bears Attack FundTrack
3/26/2008 SimCorp Taps New President
3/26/2008 Integrity Names COO
3/26/2008 Alger Taps a Sales Pro
3/26/2008 JPMorgan Gets into the ETF Biz Unexpectedly
3/26/2008 Being Informed is the Best Weapon for Wholesalers
3/25/2008 Direxion Models New Portfolios
3/25/2008 First Active ETF Becomes Reality
3/25/2008 Money Funds Struggle with Falling Returns
3/25/2008 Fido Unveils Research and Suggestions For 401k Advisors
3/25/2008 A Janus Portfolio Manager Heads Out the Door
3/25/2008 A 'Whew' Moment for Janus
3/24/2008 Wells Fargo Moves Management of a Fund Outside its Walls
3/24/2008 W&R Hire is a Bet that One Plus One Equals None
3/24/2008 Fidelity to Launch K Shares
3/24/2008 Short Gold ETNs Shoot Up
3/20/2008 Weiss to Plead Guilty
3/20/2008 India is Hot for Indexers
3/20/2008 Smooth Sailing for Citi-Bisys Transition
3/20/2008 JPMorgan Clinches a 401k Distribution Deal
3/20/2008 Fido Funds Give Thumbs Down to Genocide Referendum
3/19/2008 A New SPDR Zeroes in on International TIPs
3/19/2008 CCM Taps a Fourth Subadvisor for an AHA Fund
3/19/2008 Fund Track Asks: Where is the Active ETF?
3/19/2008 Integrity Q4 Net Soars 153 Percent
3/18/2008 Pru Subsidiary Taps Internal Sub-Advisor For New Long/Short Fund
3/18/2008 First Active ETF Launch is Delayed
3/18/2008 ETFs Decline Amid Bear News
3/18/2008 Short Form Prospectus Gets an ICI Once Over
3/18/2008 Janus COO to Depart
3/17/2008 A New Rydex Fund Seeks Out Alternatives
3/17/2008 Lord Abbett Becomes a Muni Bond Teacher
3/17/2008 Closed-End Investors Face Possible Dividend Reductions
3/14/2008 Bank Funds Fall into the Job Spotlight
3/14/2008 A New Conference Offers Fund Shops a Way to Reach Advisors
3/14/2008 Pax Inks a Deal to License Three SRI Indexes
3/14/2008 WSJ Shines Light on Eaton Vance Closed-Enders
3/13/2008 Market Roller Coaster Shakes Up the ETF Industry
3/13/2008 A Fidelity Vet Joins SRI Shop
3/13/2008 Van Kampen Names New President and CEO
3/13/2008 Nuveen Move Gets Fund Track Spotlight
3/12/2008 A Beary Good Time for an Active ETF
3/12/2008 ClearBridge CEO Heads Out
3/12/2008 Lord Abbett Dispatches Wholesalers to the Field
3/12/2008 A New Fund Site Stacks Management with Sell-Side Execs
3/12/2008 Ex-Morningstar Exec Joins Janus Board
3/12/2008 Bogle Defends Spitzer
3/12/2008 Fund Shareholders to Weigh in on Sudan Investments
3/11/2008 XShares Names National Sales Director
3/11/2008 Why Oil ETFs are Not Investor Darlings
3/11/2008 Touchstone Hires a Portland Firm to Subadvise an Institutional Fund
3/10/2008 kasina Hires Ex-Prof to Advance Intellect
3/10/2008 Spitzer Caught in Late Night Trading Ring
3/10/2008 Northern Trust Taps New Asset Servicing Head
3/10/2008 STI Classic Funds to Get a New Moniker
3/10/2008 American Funds, Cali AG End Litigation
3/10/2008 Putnam Director Joins Columbia Management
3/10/2008 Fifth Third, Touchstone Trim Fund Lineups
3/7/2008 American Beacon Puts its Black Book Back in Circulation
3/7/2008 Integrity is in the Hunt for President and CEO
3/7/2008 WSJ Takes a Second Look at Active ETFs
3/7/2008 Lynch Still Making Headlines
3/7/2008 FBR to Rechristen Two of its Funds
3/7/2008 Morgan Keegan is Sued Again Over Bond Fund Losses
3/6/2008 Greene Consulting Cooks Up A Value-Add Menu for Wholesalers
3/6/2008 Lynch Lynched?
3/6/2008 Active ETFs May Take Time to Build a Following
3/5/2008 SEC Names Lynch in Fido Case
3/5/2008 Principal Funds Taps a New President
3/5/2008 Goldman Investment Management Arm is Down to One Boss
3/5/2008 PFPC Names a New CEO
3/5/2008 American Beacon Unveils a New FA Website
3/5/2008 Fido Fund Managers Diverge on State Street Prospects
3/5/2008 SEC Commishes Give Unanimous OK to Speedy ETF Proposal
3/4/2008 XTF Sells Off SMA Assets
3/4/2008 Henderson Intros its Second Institutional Fund
3/4/2008 Morningstar Markets Website Add Ons
3/4/2008 Calamos Adds Share Classes to its Money Market Fund
3/4/2008 Jaffe Says Van Wagoner Restructuring is a Losing Bet
3/4/2008 Lehman Bets on ETNs
3/3/2008 Claymore Hooks Up with Fiserv to Find Distribution
3/3/2008 Transamerica Rebrands
3/3/2008 ALPS Private Equity Funds Finds New Distribution
3/3/2008 Hennessy Goes After Institutional Assets
3/3/2008 WSJ Talks ETF Tracking Errors with an ETF Pro
3/3/2008 Fund Managers Find U.S. Bond Yields Not What They Used to Be
3/3/2008 McNabb Aims for a Bigger Target-Date Market Share
2/29/2008 Wells Fargo Reports Money Market Fund Loss
2/29/2008 CitiStreet is Being Shopped, Say Sources
2/29/2008 Big Apple Job Board
2/29/2008 Robeco Sells U.S. Fixed Income Business
2/29/2008 BoNY Subsidiary Names COO
2/29/2008 Janus Revises its Q4 Earnings Downward
2/29/2008 Fund Investors to Get FINRA Fine Money
2/29/2008 Fido Gives Shareholders Good News
2/28/2008 SPARX Asia Funds Adds a Distribution Platform
2/28/2008 Federated Names Western Regional Sales Manager
2/28/2008 The SEC Has Come Knocking on Morgan Keegan's Door
2/28/2008 Nuveen Reports Higher AUM for Q4
2/28/2008 FundTrack Quizzes Brennan on Vanguard Ownership Structure
2/28/2008 How Are Money Funds Weathering Market Turbulence?
2/27/2008 PowerShares Granted Exemptive Relief for Active ETFs
2/27/2008 FRC Crunches the Numbers on January Fund Outflows
2/27/2008 SSgA Bets on Target-Date ETFs
2/27/2008 Pioneer Taps Insider to Head U.S. Portfolio Management
2/27/2008 ETF Approval Process is in the SEC Spotlight
2/26/2008 Old Mutual to Get a New Sales Chief
2/26/2008 Old Mutual Gives 130/30 Strategies Priority Treatment
2/26/2008 Vanguard Plugs and Plays With Advisory Mandates
2/26/2008 Are Target-Date Funds Making the Grade?
2/26/2008 WSJ Takes a Close Look at Reopened Funds
2/25/2008 Lateef Names CEO
2/25/2008 Seen and Heard at the NICSA Conference
2/25/2008 Northern Trust Gives its Money Market Funds a Boost
2/25/2008 WSJ Spotlights Short List for SEC Jobs
2/25/2008 A January to Forget for Mutual Fund Firms
2/22/2008 Back-Office Jobs Take the Spotlight
2/22/2008 Mutual Fund Links
2/22/2008 Vanguard Names Brennan Successor
2/22/2008 WSJ Picks Up the Putnam Story
2/22/2008 Morningstar Q4 Net Up 47 Percent
2/22/2008 Jaffe to Investors: Avoid the Wrong Direxion
2/22/2008 AP Throws Light on ICI Lobbyist Spending
2/21/2008 NICSA ETF Panel Tackles Distribution
2/21/2008 New Fido Fund Makes a Mega Splash
2/21/2008 Brennan on Hedge Funds, ETFs and Being Private
2/21/2008 GSAM Intros Two International Funds
2/21/2008 GreenHaven Taps a Back-Office Provider for its ETF
2/21/2008 A Bay Area Fund Shop Hires an Institutional Sales VP
2/20/2008 Morton to Oversee Consultant Ties for Putnam
2/20/2008 WSJ Looks at Auction Issues in Some Leveraged Closed-Enders
2/20/2008 Product Development Steals the Spotlight at NICSA
2/20/2008 Pimco Names Fisher to Product Dev Post
2/20/2008 Pimco Takes Over the World (Bank)
2/20/2008 Fink Sees Opps in China
2/20/2008 Franklin Makes Global Moves
2/19/2008 Cohen & Steers Sees Opps in Institutions
2/19/2008 Dodge & Cox Plans New Fund
2/19/2008 Haldeman Gives NICSA Attendees the Keys to Success
2/19/2008 NICSA Names Pioneer Alum as President
2/19/2008 Revived SEC Effort on Disclosure Forms Gets Warm Reception from Investment Advisers
2/19/2008 WSJ Sees an Enemy Within Fidelity (and Others)
2/19/2008 Old Mutual Capital Awards Back-Office Mandate
2/15/2008 Hedge Your Bets on a New Job
2/15/2008 Evergreen to Restrict Entry into a Global Fund
2/15/2008 OppFunds Loves NY (Rangers)
2/15/2008 Jaffe Takes on Money Funds
2/15/2008 A Seattle Wealth Manager Launches its Debut Mutual Fund
2/15/2008 Closed-End Funds Finding Trouble at Auction
2/14/2008 Wellington Portfolio Manager to Retire
2/14/2008 Morningstar Tackles Hedgers
2/14/2008 DTCC Slashes Fees for Fund/SERV and Networking
2/14/2008 Cox Says SEC is Unaware of Any Potential Buck Breakers
2/14/2008 Haldeman Talks Business with Boston Paper
2/14/2008 ETF Analyst Has the Power to Make Funds Successful
2/14/2008 T. Rowe Stock Gets a Downgrade
2/13/2008 Fifth Third Thinks Outside the Distribution Box
2/13/2008 Claymore Adds Three ETFs to its Lineup
2/13/2008 Muni Funds Turn to Taxable Securities
2/13/2008 XTF Gets Variable Annuity Distribution for its ETF
2/12/2008 Julius Baers New Brand as Part of IPO
2/12/2008 Stormy Stock Market Drops AUM at Fund Firms
2/12/2008 Dividend ETFs May Not be for the Average Investor
2/12/2008 Edelman Pens Letter to the SEC
2/11/2008 Lead Value Shop Takes Advantage of a Dodgy Situation
2/11/2008 Putnam Underperformance Weighs on Great-West Shares
2/11/2008 Scudder Continues to Do Live Ads For its Climate Fund
2/11/2008 Hedglings Struggle to Break Free
2/11/2008 12b-1 Fees to Bloom Early this Year
2/8/2008 Many Maryland Job Opportunities
2/8/2008 An Ex-Fund Manager is One Step Closer to Winning a House Seat
2/8/2008 Impending Changes at Phoenix, Dreyfus Get WSJ Fund Track Space
2/8/2008 Conestoga Dials Up OneSource Distribution
2/7/2008 Dreyfus Names a CEO and a President
2/7/2008 Northern Trust Adds Two Back-Office Sales Pros
2/7/2008 State Street and its Offspring Trumpet Mandate Win
2/7/2008 Phoenix to Spin Off its Asset Management Arm
2/7/2008 Will ETFs Lose Their Edge When They go Active?
2/7/2008 Investors Pour $38B into Money Market Funds in Latest Week
2/6/2008 Update 1 | Rydex Launches Defense Against Fragasso Suit
2/6/2008 SEC Forms Distribution Committee
2/6/2008 Bond Outlines ICI ETF Committee Agenda
2/6/2008 Fabian Lemon List Balloons
2/6/2008 Old Spitzer Case Gets Closure
2/6/2008 SEC Puts Online Brochure Back on the Table
2/5/2008 Russell Taps Insider for COO Post
2/5/2008 New York Fund Industry Halts for the Champions
2/5/2008 Columbia Appoints Distribution Execs
2/5/2008 Morningstar Names Top Fund Analyst
2/5/2008 Is an Active ETF Fever About to Hit?
2/5/2008 A Newbie Coal ETF from Van Eck is Off to a Volatile Start
2/5/2008 Focus Funds Operator is Picked Up by a Dallas B-D
2/4/2008 Gabelli Buys $500 Million AXA Fund
2/4/2008 Legg Mason Appoints Intl. Asset Management Chief
2/4/2008 The WSJ Tests Your SEC Smarts
2/4/2008 Fund Managers Line Up for a Gigantic After-Christmas Sale
2/4/2008 Tricks and Trends in ETF Investing
2/4/2008 Fido's Canada Fund Manager Gets WSJ Play
2/4/2008 Janus Chief Defends Change in Portfolio Manager Compensation
2/1/2008 Claymore to Cut 11 ETFs from its Lineup
2/1/2008 Rainier Fund to be Adopted
2/1/2008 Search the Southern States for the Right Job
2/1/2008 Evergreen Makes Former Treasurer a Member of the Board
2/1/2008 Fido Cuts Former FESCo Units Deeper
2/1/2008 A Janus Skipper Gets Press for Overseas Bargain-Hunting Spree
1/31/2008 Fidelity Flows Find December Peak
1/31/2008 Five Move Forward at PIMCO
1/31/2008 Legg Mason Puts Brandywine into the Spin Cycle
1/31/2008 Three Fund Firms Take Home MStar Top Steward Kudos
1/30/2008 A Kelmon Leaves Kelmoore
1/30/2008 T. Rowe to Spend More on Ads in 2008
1/30/2008 New Accessor Fund Marks a Departure from Usual Approach
1/30/2008 ALPS Bets on Lucky Number Seven
1/30/2008 PowerShares Develops Special Formula for India ETF
1/30/2008 Vanguard Edges Past AmFunds ... But Does it Matter?
1/30/2008 WSJ Spotlights Good Earnings
1/29/2008 Two Putnam Funds to be Under New Management
1/29/2008 Nationwide Taps Interim Funds Chief
1/29/2008 SEC Smites Heartland Over Bond Funds
1/29/2008 New Chief Sits Atop ING Funds Distributor
1/29/2008 Morningstar Loses its Armour
1/29/2008 Overlooked? II Passes Over Fund Titans for Power List
1/29/2008 American Century Gets Props for its Online Application Process
1/29/2008 Legg is Betting on Fetting
1/28/2008 Integrity Adds Educational Extras to its Website
1/28/2008 Dechert Adds an M&A Vet to its Roster
1/28/2008 DWS Scudder Hires Four for Distribution Team
1/28/2008 ICI Gives ETF Shops a Greater Voice
1/28/2008 State Street Puts a Back Office Win in the books
1/28/2008 Nachmany Gets D.C. Exposure
1/28/2008 Jaffe Advises Taking a Fine-Toothed Comb to Annual Reports
1/28/2008 AIM Smells an Opportunity in Volatility
1/25/2008 Pick a Pennsylvania Job
1/25/2008 Morgan Keegan is Slapped with 4 More Suits Over Bond Fund Losses
1/25/2008 BNY-Mellon Invests in Some Wisdom
1/25/2008 Activists Rack Up Initial Victory Against Fido
1/25/2008 Investors Yank $13B from U.S. Mutual Funds
1/25/2008 Fund Industry is Not Feverish
1/24/2008 Hancock Taps a Legg Mason Unit to Subadvise its New Bond Fund
1/24/2008 Snow in L.A.? Blame DWS Scudder
1/24/2008 NYSE-Amex Merger Would Limit ETF Listing Choices
1/24/2008 Ziegler Capital Names CFO
1/23/2008 Fund Chief at Jennison Has a New Boss
1/23/2008 Henderson Aims its New Fund at the Institutional Market
1/23/2008 How Five Fund Managers are Navigating the Rocky Road
1/23/2008 Bearish ETFs Flourish
1/22/2008 Seligman Renames its Asset Allocation Funds
1/22/2008 Mutual Funds Feel the Heat from Market Woes
1/22/2008 Fido Bites Back in IRA Guarantee Case
1/22/2008 JennisonDryden Adopts XBRL
1/22/2008 SEC to Issue Soft Dollar Guidance
1/22/2008 Legg Mason Taps Kin to Subadvise its 130/30 Fund
1/22/2008 Fund Track Spotlights Fixed Income Managers
1/21/2008 NYTimes Serves Fund Alphabet Soup
1/18/2008 Swank Discusses the Future of Rydex
1/18/2008 Great Jobs on the Great Lakes
1/18/2008 Wilmington Trust Separates its Investment Management Unit from its Wealth Advisory Biz
1/18/2008 Security Benefit Closes on Rydex
1/18/2008 Fido Drops Stakes in New Mexico
1/18/2008 Scout Funds Makes A Discovery
1/17/2008 Fink Trumpets Best Year Ever for BlackRock
1/17/2008 Herring Moves into the CEO Spot at American Beacon
1/17/2008 The SEC Seeks Info on Money Market Funds
1/17/2008 Magellan Redux
1/16/2008 Pzena is Hit With Another IPO Suit
1/16/2008 T. Rowe is Set to Grow
1/16/2008 WSJ Trains the Spotlight on a Turner Skipper
1/16/2008 Soros Lands Former BlackRock Vice Chair
1/15/2008 New Grail Firm Files for IPO
1/15/2008 Gemini Stars on a New Website
1/15/2008 DALBAR Gives Extra Credit for Great Customer Service
1/15/2008 Which Fund Shops Prep Advisors Best for Calming Jittery Clients?
1/15/2008 Magellan is the Word
1/15/2008 Funds Not Being Fair with the Whole Family
1/14/2008 Turner Elevates a Senior Portfolio Manager to CIO of Quant Strategies
1/14/2008 Equity-Income Mutual Funds Poised for a Comeback?
1/14/2008 Magellan Sails Again
1/14/2008 Moody's Deals a Blow to Fido
1/14/2008 GAMCO Loses its Top Legal Eagle
1/14/2008 Vanguard to Add Hundreds of Jobs in Scottsdale
1/11/2008 Cool Cali Jobs
1/11/2008 Desmarais Unloads Power Stock
1/11/2008 Aston Bets on a Fund of ETFs
1/11/2008 Fido Fits In a 130/30 Fund
1/11/2008 Life After Janus
1/11/2008 Wasatch Fund Managers Go on a Rescue Mission
1/11/2008 Are Fund Firms' Ads Up to Snuff?
1/10/2008 Natixis Lassos Fidelity Exec
1/10/2008 STI Hands Out Subadvisory Mandate for Three Funds
1/10/2008 Barclays Still Rules the ETF Heap
1/10/2008 Rydex Sale Soon to be Complete
1/10/2008 Closed-End Discount in Aisle Five
1/10/2008 Morningstar Completes Hemscott Deal
1/9/2008 BoNY-Mellon Boutique Shop Taps a New CEO
1/9/2008 Does Your Firm Have American Funds Envy?
1/9/2008 Janus Alters the Way it Pays Intech for Subadvisory Work
1/9/2008 TIPtoeing Around the Subject
1/9/2008 Eaton Vance's Richardson Soothes Investors' Nerves
1/8/2008 Pershing Unveils an ETF Center
1/8/2008 A Dreyfus Alum is Tapped to Run Merrill Corp.'s Marketing and Communications Biz
1/8/2008 Direxion Chief Moves Over But Not Out
1/8/2008 A New Indy Fund Shop Banks on a Secret Investment Recipe
1/8/2008 Morgan Keegan, Fund Manager Face FINRA Arbitration Complaints over Bond Fund Losses
1/8/2008 OppFunds Manager Gets the Fund Track Treatment
1/8/2008 New Brandywine Hire is No Stranger to Legg Mason
1/7/2008 Home Again at Mellon
1/7/2008 Auriana and Utsch to Lead New Federated Fund
1/7/2008 Gabelli Gives Credit to Media Moguls
1/7/2008 What Lew Sanders Learned Pumping Gas (and More)
1/7/2008 Magellan (and Fido) Gets it Mojo Back
1/7/2008 WSJ Tackles Retirement Income Funds
1/7/2008 Fund Track Visits Down Under
1/4/2008 It is a Black Day for BlackRock Stock
1/4/2008 Midwestern Moves to Boost Your Career
1/4/2008 Thornburg Passes Along His CEO Torch
1/4/2008 Munder Moves into the FRC Top 20
1/4/2008 WSJ Re-Writes Best of List
1/4/2008 Jaffe On 2008: ETF Closures Coming
1/3/2008 Ignites' Publisher is Sold
1/3/2008 Dechert Taps a New Partner
1/3/2008 SSgA Hunts for a New CEO
1/3/2008 ETFs: A Game Fund Companies Want to Play?
1/3/2008 Nuveen Fund Manager Pops Up in the WSJ
1/3/2008 Fidelity Insources Some Ad Work
1/2/2008 JPMorgan Funds Lassoes an Economics Guru from Putnam
1/2/2008 Nachmany Sees Bright Days Ahead for Mutual Funds
1/2/2008 Quant Shop Switches Subadvisors for its Long/Short Fund
1/2/2008 Ned Era at Fido is Seen to Continue
1/2/2008 Scale Still Stumps Smaller ETF Shops

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