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Stories Published Between 1/1/2010 And 4/1/2010
3/31/2010 Judge Delivers a Blow to Schwab
3/31/2010 Aston Grows its Mutual Fund Roster
3/31/2010 JPMorgan is on Nationwide's Side
3/31/2010 Jensen Launches its Second Mutual Fund in 18 Years
3/31/2010 An Executive Recruiter Switches Firms
3/31/2010 Jefferies Plans to Add Staff
3/31/2010 Asset Manager M&A Tripled in 2009
3/31/2010 Invesco PowerShares Preps to Launch Nine ETFs
3/30/2010 Nuveen Enters the ETF Biz on the Back of a SPDR
3/30/2010 Buys Again
3/30/2010 UPDATED: Supremes Revive the Oakmark Fee Suit
3/30/2010 TIAA-CREF Makes Life (Funds) More Expensive
3/30/2010 Are Dividend ETFs the Next Big Thing?
3/30/2010 Artisan Crafts its 12th Fund
3/30/2010 PineBridge Funds are Officially Out of the AIG Fold
3/29/2010 Hungry for Deals, Roosevelt Taps an M&A Point Man
3/29/2010 Nuveen's Prez is Leaving Chi-Town for a New Gig
3/29/2010 A Bank Moves Away from the Proprietary Fund Biz
3/29/2010 WSJ Tracks an Indexed Green ETF
3/29/2010 Bogle Takes a Red Pen to 'Common Sense'
3/26/2010 Leavin' Nuveen: Anson Steps Aside
3/26/2010 A Tale of Two 401k Providers: Fidelity and Putnam
3/26/2010 Forbes is Boggled by a Boglehead
3/26/2010 Fidelity Banks on the iPad
3/26/2010 Oppenheimer Capital Loses Five to TCP
3/26/2010 Foster Friess Chats with PBS
3/25/2010 OppenheimerFunds Trumpets its Award Haul with New Ads
3/25/2010 Hancock Makes its 11th Fund Adoption
3/25/2010 Shapiro and the SEC Investigate ETFs
3/25/2010 A Delaware Wholesaler Moves On
3/25/2010 T. Rowe, RidgeWorth Bag "Overall" Awards
3/25/2010 Fund Streak Lengthens
3/24/2010 An NY Fund Shop Hunts for an Acquisition
3/24/2010 RiverPark Ramps Up its Active ETF Push
3/24/2010 Does "F" Stand for Fidelity?
3/24/2010 DWS Targets ETFs for its Target Lineup
3/24/2010 Pimco Makes 101 Promotions
3/24/2010 Vanguard, BlackRock and Pimco Talk Treasuries
3/23/2010 Two Boston Fund Firms Alter Wholesaler Comp
3/23/2010 A Data Manager Courts U.S. Fund Firms
3/23/2010 Dreyfus, Putnam Score A's from Corporate Insight
3/23/2010 Schwab Fights the SEC's YieldPlus Inquiry
3/23/2010 What Keeps Fundsters Up at Night?
3/23/2010 WSJ Examines Healthcare ETFs' Rally
3/23/2010 Northern Trust Debuts a Collective Fund Trust
3/22/2010 Bolt Gains a Bigger Role at Franklin
3/22/2010 Putnam to Cut Sales Charges on Three of its Funds
3/22/2010 Rydex is Hit with a Class-Action Suit
3/22/2010 Merger Will Eliminate 60 Sales Jobs
3/22/2010 AllianceBernstein Names its New CFO
3/22/2010 Hillary is Back on the Scene
3/22/2010 Invesco PowerShares Sees Another Change in its Top Ranks
3/22/2010 Fidelity Flattens Advisor 401k Fees
3/22/2010 Fund Managers Weigh in on Health-Care Stocks
3/19/2010 A 401k IPO Enriches a Fidelity Alum
3/19/2010 Joe Mansueto Keeps it Real
3/19/2010 Money Funds Assets Fall While Fees Remain Low
3/19/2010 Schapiro Plans to Boost Money Fund Oversight and Mutual Fund Exams
3/19/2010 Finra Slaps Foreside with a $100K Fine
3/18/2010 Gabelli Scion, Alpert Score a Partial Win in their Battle with the SEC
3/18/2010 Principal Reorg is Complete
3/18/2010 Free at Last: FINRA Liberates Advisor Communications
3/18/2010 Russell Hunts for a New CFO
3/18/2010 U.S. Bancorp Finishes a $150 Billion Transition
3/18/2010 The Principal Starts Rebuilding
3/18/2010 The Journal is Not Impressed by a Year-Long Fund Run
3/18/2010 Merrill Moves On
3/18/2010 OCIE's New Head Outlines His Vision
3/17/2010 kasina is Calling All 'Different' Consultants
3/17/2010 Redemption Fees Work, Says One Professor
3/17/2010 A Director Finds an Alternative to TCW
3/17/2010 A CIO is the Latest to Depart Fidelity
3/17/2010 First Trust's Latest ETF is White Gold
3/17/2010 Will the SEC Simplify Funds' Annual Reports?
3/16/2010 BNY Mellon is Hiring Managers from Coast to Coast
3/16/2010 Stumped by Social Media? Vanguard Offers Tips
3/16/2010 Pimco Creates Six New Bond ETFs
3/16/2010 ETFs Rebound While Stock Funds Flop
3/16/2010 Vanguard Explores New Territory with a Value Fund
3/16/2010 FBR Closes a 5Star Deal
3/16/2010 ICI Asks FINRA for a Break
3/16/2010 Bruce Berkowitz Amasses AIG Stock, Debt
3/16/2010 Fidelity is Adding a Personal Touch
3/15/2010 Aguilar Gives ICI Attendees a Window into an SEC Commissioner's Thinking
3/15/2010 Two Firms Lever Their ETF Position
3/15/2010 What Does Vanguarding Mean?
3/15/2010 Stevens Reiterates His Push to Sink the Floating NAV Proposal
3/15/2010 State Street Strengthens its Emerging Market Menu
3/15/2010 Hancock's Parent Names New President
3/15/2010 Morningstar Highlights Four Fidelity Funds
3/15/2010 Future of Closed-End Funds is Uncertain
3/12/2010 A New York Fund Firm Plans to Increase its Sales Force
3/12/2010 BlackRock Hires a Legg Mason Alum
3/12/2010 Strategic Insight Goes to London
3/12/2010 Pershing Grows its NTF Fund Platform
3/12/2010 The Reilly Brothers Bid Goodbye to AllianceBernstein
3/12/2010 Reserve Asks for a Jury Trial
3/11/2010 An Asset Manager is Headed Towards a Partial IPO
3/11/2010 Northern Trust Would Like to Buy a Fund Administrator or Asset Manager
3/11/2010 JPMorgan Communicates its ETF Ambitions
3/11/2010 Columbia Lures a Putnam Exec
3/11/2010 Hensler Heads to OppFunds
3/11/2010 Ex-Columbia Execs Score a Court Victory
3/11/2010 Investors Foolish to Flee Stock Funds, Journal Says
3/10/2010 Unified Fund Services' New Prez Hunts for Fresh Talent
3/10/2010 Fortune Talks to the Former '$70 Billion Man'
3/10/2010 A Mutual Fund Servicer Sees a Change at the Top
3/10/2010 JPMorgan Wins Money Fund Distribution as Eagle Flees the Biz
3/10/2010 The Journal Looks Back at the Dotcom Fund Stars
3/9/2010 A Senior Exec is Moving on from the Fidelity Enterprise
3/9/2010 Goldman Hires Away a Janus Exec
3/9/2010 Dreyfus Expands its Menu
3/9/2010 Claymore Unveils Three ETFs
3/9/2010 Are Spend-Happy Equity Funds Slowing Down the Rally?
3/9/2010 Novick Plants BlackRock's Flag in the Beltway
3/9/2010 Jaffe Warns of the Misleading Nature of the Recent Bull Market
3/9/2010 The Fed Finds Three Big Counterparts
3/8/2010 BBH Puts a BGI Alum in Charge of ETF Sales
3/8/2010 Brazos Pines for its New Identity
3/8/2010 RidgeWorth Makes a Mid Cap Push
3/8/2010 Eaton Vance Plans to Launch Active Bond ETFs
3/8/2010 Which Niche Rings Pershing's Bell?
3/8/2010 T. Rowe CEO: We've Lost Some Good People Due to TV Shows
3/8/2010 Dotcom Fund Superstars: Where are They Now?
3/8/2010 'Diversify' is JPMorgan's Income Builder Mantra
3/8/2010 Star T. Rowe Manager Hands Over Reins as Planned
3/5/2010 Introducing the 401k Roundup
3/5/2010 What Are Your Competitors Doing in DC?
3/5/2010 New Faces and Opportunities Crop Up at DC Distributors
3/5/2010 The Coming Regulatory Storm?
3/5/2010 American Funds Fee Suit Ain't Over 'Til the Ninth Circuit Sings
3/5/2010 Ex-Magellan Manager Goes Pro
3/5/2010 Buffett Trumps All Mutual Funds
3/4/2010 Fred Alger Partners Up
3/4/2010 OppFunds and T. Rowe Retain their Crown in Dalbar's Rankings
3/4/2010 T. Rowe Paid Kennedy $4.7 Million in '09
3/4/2010 SEC Aims Big Apple Expansion at B-Ds and Hedge Funds, Not Mutual Funds
3/4/2010 Happy 50th, Fund Flows
3/3/2010 Ex-MSSB Exec is Heading to Fidelity
3/3/2010 Johnston's New Venture Aims to Help Firms Navigate the Social Media Landscape
3/3/2010 Janus Subsidiary Expands its Senior Ranks
3/3/2010 U.S. Global Investors Launches Institutional Shares
3/3/2010 Mutual Fund Directors Forum Picks a New Chair
3/3/2010 WSJ Looks at the Biggest Wealth Creators and Destroyers among Fund Firms
3/3/2010 Are Fido and Schwab Wasting Their Efforts With Commission-Free ETFs?
3/3/2010 Pimco's AUM Ballooned by 40 Percent Last Year
3/2/2010 A Fund Distributor Draws a $230 Million Investment
3/2/2010 Gundlach's DoubleLine Gets an Online Home
3/2/2010 Needles Taps a Fellow Touchstone Alum for a Key Post at American Beacon
3/2/2010 American Beacon Unveils a Global Real Estate Fund
3/2/2010 Petroff Bids Heartland Adieu
3/2/2010 Jaffe Blasts an Anti-Mutual Fund Book
3/2/2010 Vanguard Diversifies Ten Stock Funds
3/1/2010 Hartford Adds I Shares to Two More Funds
3/1/2010 JPMorgan Banks on Boyd
3/1/2010 A Fund Services Exec is Back at Citi
3/1/2010 MSCI Seals a $1.5 Billion Deal
3/1/2010 List of Load-Waived Fund Offerings is Growing
3/1/2010 How are PMs Reacting to the Healthcare Debate?
3/1/2010 Bogle's Trading Costs Beef Gains Journal Ink
3/1/2010 WSJ Worries Over Liquidity in Bond ETFs
3/1/2010 Coming Up This Month: A CEO Change, an Awards Night
2/26/2010 Post-Deal, a Midwest Firm Appoints a National Sales Manager
2/26/2010 Another Fund CEO is Stepping Down
2/26/2010 Joe Biden to Unveil 401k Advice Rules
2/26/2010 Fund Managers Buy in Europe
2/26/2010 RiverSource Turns to Turner
2/25/2010 RR Donnelley Deal is All Bowned Up
2/25/2010 U.S. News Lists the Best Mutual Funds for 2010
2/25/2010 Fidelity Top Brass Spins Falling Revenue into Increased Profits
2/25/2010 Neuberger Berman Lures a Citi Vet
2/25/2010 A Former Blue Angel Lands at Janus
2/25/2010 Fidelity Axes Two PMs Over Ethics
2/24/2010 Judge Refuses to Toss Out SEC Suit Against the Reserve
2/24/2010 Profits Double at a Boston Asset Manager
2/24/2010 Two California Fund Firms are Now One
2/24/2010 Allianz Plans Target Date Fund Price Cuts
2/24/2010 SEC Lists Effective Date for Money Fund Rules
2/24/2010 How Much M&A Will 2010 Bring?
2/23/2010 Fidelity Trading: There's an App for That
2/23/2010 BNY Mellon Anoints a B-D Relations Chief
2/23/2010 Legg Mason Takes a Step Toward Active ETFs
2/23/2010 An Online Broker Spruces Up its Mutual Fund List
2/23/2010 Vanguard Plots its ETF Foray in the UK
2/23/2010 Fundsters Talk Tech
2/23/2010 Will BofA Mark the Columbia Money Funds?
2/23/2010 Supreme Court Deals a Blow to Pimco
2/22/2010 Bogle Praises Bill Gross
2/22/2010 A Fund CEO Passes the Baton
2/22/2010 Hancock Seizes Another Fund Opportunity
2/22/2010 Ex-MFS Chief Joins Morgan Stanley
2/22/2010 PIMCO's Managers Lead the Pack in Advisors' Minds
2/22/2010 Invesco Plans to Drop the AIM Brand But Will Keep Van Kampen
2/22/2010 Niche ETFs Build Solid Performance YTD
2/22/2010 A Mutual Fund Investor Wins $2.5 Million From Morgan Keegan
2/22/2010 Three Move Up at American Century
2/19/2010 David Marcus Returns to the Mutual Fund World
2/19/2010 Highland is Hiring
2/19/2010 PowerShares Unveils a Closed-End Fund ETF
2/19/2010 A Bank-Owned Fund Firm Lands on Schwab and Pershing
2/19/2010 A Fidelity PM Passes Away
2/19/2010 Stowers Formally Relinquishes Control of American Century
2/19/2010 Some ETFs Were Off-Target in '09
2/19/2010 Nationwide IDs Consultant
2/18/2010 A Senior Exec is Leaving Janus
2/18/2010 Van Eck Looks to Egypt
2/18/2010 American Funds Speaks to the Press
2/18/2010 Van Kampen Could Be in Invesco's Hands in Late May
2/18/2010 An Outspoken Fund Manager Dies
2/18/2010 Anti-Genocide Group Wins Over American Funds
2/18/2010 Vanguard Joins the Brokerage Wars -- Sort Of
2/18/2010 BlackRock Purchase Rumor Was Just That
2/18/2010 ETFs are Gaining Retail Popularity
2/17/2010 Rydex | SGI Chief Plans Internal Expansion Post-Merger
2/17/2010 Fidelity Ups Its Advisor Ante and Wins Over a High Net Worth Shop
2/17/2010 Pioneer Expands its RIA Distribution
2/17/2010 Societe Generale Says Goodbye to TCW's Founder
2/17/2010 EGA Launches First of Many BRIC ETFs
2/17/2010 How TCW Shot the Soldier, and Other Tales of Gundlach
2/17/2010 Stevens Talks Saints, Snow and 401ks
2/17/2010 WSJ: Why Don't Fund Firms Publicly Criticize Their Portfolio Companies?
2/16/2010 Gemini Aims for a New STAR
2/16/2010 Pru Jennitsons Fund Family Name
2/16/2010 A $400 Million Deal Sends Rydex to a New Parent
2/16/2010 Abby Johnson Makes a Confession
2/16/2010 Bells Ring for a Pair of Fund Distributors
2/16/2010 Stock Funds Gain Investors' Confidence and Assets
2/16/2010 All Eyes are on Abby
2/16/2010 Pozen Sharpens His Pencils Once More
2/15/2010 Spilker is Out at GSAM
2/15/2010 Industry Profitability is Back to 30 Percent, says Miyao
2/12/2010 Ever Retiring, Ned Makes Another Change in Fido's Top Ranks
2/12/2010 A Denver Fund Firm Hires a New Sales Head
2/12/2010 American Funds Sees Seventh Straight Month of Outflows
2/12/2010 Fidelity Bags Three Golds
2/12/2010 AllianceBernstein's Net Doubles, Beating Estimates
2/12/2010 ProShares Debuts Eight ETFs
2/12/2010 The ICI Fights Back Noise From a New Fee Critic
2/12/2010 T. Rowe Launches Global Infrastructure Fund
2/12/2010 Bloomberg Illustrates the Gundlach Effect
2/11/2010 Former President Clinton Hospitalized
2/11/2010 Sales Exec Departs SSgA
2/11/2010 BlackRock Sees Changes in its C-Level Ranks
2/11/2010 Putnam Narrows its Q4 Loss
2/11/2010 MFS Chalks Up its Best Sales Year in Eight Decades
2/11/2010 TFS Wants to Pull the Plug on Performance-Based Fees
2/11/2010 Pioneer Reorganizes Five Funds
2/11/2010 Money Funds, the Fed Wants You
2/10/2010 TCW Slams Gundlach's 'Spin'
2/10/2010 Jeff Gundlach Files a Cross-Complaint Against TCW
2/10/2010 A Russell Unit Sells to AMG
2/10/2010 Joe Mansueto Writes a Footnote
2/10/2010 Bob and the Boys Talk Bonds
2/10/2010 Fidelity Exits Continental Boulevard
2/10/2010 Is a BlackRock Exec Heading to Claymore?
2/10/2010 Benchmarkers Inject Bond Bogeys with a Dose of Fundamentalism
2/9/2010 Two Fund Families are Now One
2/9/2010 Pimco's Distributor Taps Two ETF Sales Pros
2/9/2010 Tom Bailey's Baby Turns 40
2/9/2010 For an Equity Fund, Blood is Not Thicker than Water
2/9/2010 WSJ Finds Few Bond Funds with Exposure to Greece, Portugal
2/9/2010 Hartford Chalks Up More than $3 Billion of Fund Deposits for the Third Straight Quarter
2/8/2010 Janus Finds a New Consulting Director
2/8/2010 The Public Trusts Fund Firms Over Brokerages
2/8/2010 UMB Works With Ten More Fund Clients
2/8/2010 A Former Fund CEO Becomes a Recruiter
2/8/2010 Amerindo's Founders Get 14 Years of Total Prison Time
2/8/2010 Grail is in Talks to Turn a Mutual Fund into an Active ETF
2/5/2010 First Trust Jumps on the Global ETF Bandwagon
2/5/2010 Fidelity Makes Its Shadows More Dear
2/5/2010 Will 2010 Be the Year the SEC Takes on 12b-1?
2/5/2010 Global X Mines for New ETFs
2/5/2010 iShares Preps Seven International ETFs
2/5/2010 State Street's Latest Subprime Settlement Fills Headlines
2/5/2010 Virtus Makes Up AUM in 2009
2/5/2010 Platinum ETFs On the Up and UP
2/4/2010 Delaware Names a B-D Distribution Chief
2/4/2010 Schroders Lures Two Sales Pros
2/4/2010 State Street Will Cough Up Another $300 Million Thanks to Subprime Flu
2/4/2010 Pimco Introduces an ETF and New Managers
2/4/2010 If Obama Gets His Wish, Expect more Build America Funds
2/4/2010 Ivy Restructures its Sales Force
2/4/2010 Clinton, Bush to Face Fund Firms
2/3/2010 Putnam, T. Rowe and Aberdeen Top a List of Best Fund Families
2/3/2010 At Schwab, Mutual Funds Talk to Cox (For Clearing)
2/3/2010 Asset Managers Don't Accept Your Friend Requests
2/3/2010 Goldman Allocates a New Offering to the ETF World.
2/3/2010 Are Boston's Big Three Losing Power?
2/3/2010 Fidelity Simplifies Tradings Fees
2/3/2010 Alger Recruits a DWS Alum to Work With B-Ds
2/2/2010 TIAA-CREF Plans to Move Some Jobs Abroad
2/2/2010 Hartford Hires a BNY Mellon Veteran
2/2/2010 Fidelity Inks an ETF Deal
2/2/2010 BNY Mellon Execs Discuss the Price of the Deal
2/2/2010 Jeff Vinik Switches From Picking Stocks to Sticks
2/2/2010 Layoffs Hit DST
2/2/2010 Federated, Vanguard Weigh in on the New Money Fund Regs
2/2/2010 PNC and BNY Mellon Seal the Deal
2/1/2010 SSgA Crowns its Cash King
2/1/2010 Invesco Execs Say Deal is On Track to Close by Mid-Year
2/1/2010 AMG Opens its Wallet Again
2/1/2010 Eaton Vance Names its New Head Marketer
2/1/2010 Abby Johnson Prepares to Step into the Spotlight
2/1/2010 MSSB is Shifting to Institutional Fund Shares
2/1/2010 A Truce for the Farmer and the Cowman: No-Load and Load Funds Live Side-by-Side.
2/1/2010 WSJ: ETFs Not All Sugar and Cream
2/1/2010 The Very Best Active Managers May Earn Their Fees
2/1/2010 Will More Funds be Paying Rent Overseas Soon?
1/29/2010 Grail Picks a New Sales Head, Plots a Sales Force Expansion
1/29/2010 WisdomTree Plans to Shutter 10 ETFs
1/29/2010 An Alabama RIA Treks Into the Fund World
1/29/2010 Grail Expands its Active ETF Roster
1/29/2010 AllianceBernstein Beats Back Accusations of Discrimination Retaliation
1/29/2010 Fund Companies Bounce Back
1/28/2010 The PNC Deal Could Come Next Week. What Will the Price Tag Be?
1/28/2010 Ron Baron Ends His Hunt for a Distribution Head
1/28/2010 Wellington's Marketing Maven Moves On
1/28/2010 Alger Unwraps a Long-Short Fund
1/28/2010 Jensen's Chairman Plans His Retirement
1/28/2010 T. Rowe Posts a Big Jump in Q4 Profit
1/28/2010 Waddell Netted Over $9 Billion in Flows in 2009
1/28/2010 Janus' Q4 Net Soars by More than 300 Percent
1/28/2010 The Fed Takes Away Money Fund Carrots as the SEC Brandishes the Stick
1/27/2010 As the SEC Ushers in a New Era for Money Funds,
the Fund that Started it All is About to Close a Chapter
1/27/2010 Will Vanguard Offer an Absolute Alternative?
1/27/2010 Distribution Chief Exits a New York Asset Manager
1/27/2010 Schapiro and Co Vote 4-1 to Approve Money Fund Regs
1/27/2010 BlackRock's Latest Numbers Showcase the BGI Effect
1/27/2010 Layoffs Hit a Midwest Fund Firm
1/27/2010 Fidelity and Goldman Part Ways
1/27/2010 Who's Staying, Who's Leaving Among Van Kampen Execs?
1/27/2010 Will the SEC Force Us to See Money Funds' Shadows?
1/27/2010 GMO's Grantham Expects Another Bubble
1/27/2010 Reynolds Refocuses Putnam on Retirement Income
1/26/2010 A New Reporter Will Pen Fund News at Financial Times
1/26/2010 Community Capital Hires an Institutional Sales Chief to Ramp Up Distribution
1/26/2010 Are Publicly Traded Asset Managers Getting Cheaper?
1/26/2010 Direxion Aims a New Sales Exec at Hedge Funds
1/26/2010 Delaware Debuts a New Fund Under the Macquarie Banner
1/26/2010 The WSJ Banks on Specific Sector ETFs
1/25/2010 A Soon-to-be-Acquired Fund Firm Bids Adieu to its Sales Chief
1/25/2010 Principal Plans to Close Off B Shares By March
1/25/2010 Russell Taps Two iShares Vets for Key ETF Posts
1/25/2010 Why Fund Marketers Should Pay Extra Attention to Obama's State of the Union
1/25/2010 Northern Trust Taps a Global Sales Chief
1/25/2010 Royce Prepares to Mostly Close Two Funds
1/25/2010 ETF Tracking Error Captures the Journal's Attention
1/22/2010 Kranefuss Plots Life after BlackRock
1/22/2010 What is a BrightScope?
1/22/2010 What's Ned's Next Step at Fidelity?
1/22/2010 Cohen & Steers is in the Homestretch of a Wholesaler Hunt
1/22/2010 'Smoking Gun' E-mail Surfaces in Schwab Case
1/22/2010 Sanders Entrusts a Chicago Fund Administrator
1/22/2010 A Fund Chief Departs
1/22/2010 Invesco Aim Targets a Smaller Audience for its Small-Cap Fund
1/22/2010 AQR Scraps the Redemption Fee for One Fund
1/21/2010 ALPS Realigns Its Sales Force
1/21/2010 ProShares Levers Up On Treasuries
1/21/2010 Nuveen Joins the Emerging Markets Party
1/21/2010 Vanguard Trumps Fidelity in a Brand Race
1/21/2010 Lawson Says Fidelity 'May be Multiple Companies' at Some Point
1/21/2010 Legg Mason Returns to the Black, But Misses Forecast
1/21/2010 Fido Plans to Expand in North Carolina
1/20/2010 Lawson Sets a Date, Ned Needs a Successor
1/20/2010 Reuters Chronicles TCW's Clash with 'The Godfather'
1/20/2010 ALPS Completes its Second Adoption
1/20/2010 Lord Abbett Cuts Fees on a Pair of Funds
1/20/2010 BlackRock Names its Top Bond Man
1/20/2010 A Much-Criticized Fund is Shutting Down
1/20/2010 At Schwab, Money Fund Waivers Drag Down Asset Management Fees by 20 Percent
1/20/2010 On the Verge of an Ownership Change, a Fund Firm Returns to the Black
1/20/2010 Pimco's Total Return Fund Chalks Up Another Milestone
1/20/2010 An L.A. Asset Manager Finds Cause to Bolster its Ties with SEI
1/20/2010 One ETF is Banking on Bank Earnings
1/19/2010 Artisan Makes a Change at the Top
1/19/2010 Hartstein Reveals Hancock's Sales Target
1/19/2010 McCann Puts a Fellow Merrill Alum in Charge of UBS' Advisor Group
1/19/2010 Rowley Jumps to FRC to Head Sales
1/19/2010 A Mutual Fund Servicer is Back on the Block
1/19/2010 Vanguard's New Ad Campaign Could Set Sail in March
1/19/2010 PowerShares Preps Ten Small-Cap ETFs
1/19/2010 DeFazio's Tax Proposal Could Be a Boon to Index Funds
1/19/2010 BlackRock Makes Another Acquisition
1/19/2010 ETF Shops are Readying Their Own Trade Group
1/15/2010 Deeper Ties with Edward Jones Creates Sales Jobs at a Boston Fund Firm
1/15/2010 Turner Eyes More Wholesalers
1/15/2010 Schwab Rolls Out Two More ETFs
1/15/2010 Aston Partners with a Fellow Chicagoan for its New Fund
1/15/2010 For the Second Time, Vanguard's Net Cash Flow Topped $100B
1/15/2010 Hennion & Walsh Names its New Mid-Atlantic Wholesaler
1/15/2010 Hancock is Hiring
1/15/2010 Investors are Still Testing the Equity-Fund Waters
1/15/2010 Van Kampen Fund Board OKs Proposed Changes to the Product Roster
1/14/2010 Aston Appoints a Sales Chief
1/14/2010 Commonwealth Hunts for New Blood
1/14/2010 While Bond Fund Inflows Soared, Some Funds Faltered
1/14/2010 Whom Will Gundlach Tap For Fund Accounting?
1/14/2010 Van Eck, Manning & Napier and Matthews Asia Grew Faster in '09 Than Any Other Active Fund Managers
1/14/2010 Mutual Fund Recovery Crosses the Border
1/14/2010 Mutual Fund Flows Start 2010 With a Jump
1/14/2010 ETFs Pass One Trillion in Assets, Says BlackRock
1/14/2010 Too Many Chefs In the Windsor II Kitchen?
1/14/2010 Schapiro Weighs 'More Fundamental Changes to the Structure of Money Market Funds'
1/14/2010 Who Will Oversee Fund Enforcement at the SEC?
1/13/2010 The Evergreen Brand Will Disappear as Wells Fargo Reorgs its Fund Lineup
1/13/2010 Turner Hands its Private Client Group Chief a Piece of the Pie
1/13/2010 Ex-Janus CEO Goes for the Grail
1/13/2010 Gundlach Wins Over More TCW Managers for DoubleLine
1/13/2010 Sanders Capital Grabs its First Vanguard Sub-Advisory Spot
1/13/2010 A Silicon Valley Fund Firm Hires its First Ever Wholesaler
1/13/2010 Two Execs Climb a Rung at Jackson National
1/13/2010 iShares Boasts $2 Billion in 401k Assets
1/13/2010 A Fund Manager Blazes a Trail Back to Federated
1/12/2010 Allianz Restructures its Sales Team
1/12/2010 Gundlach Files to Launch Three Funds
1/12/2010 Putnam, BlackRock Win Again
1/12/2010 Ned Johnson Bonds with the YouTube Crowd
1/12/2010 Top-Level Changes Yield New Titles for Waddell's Avery, Butch
1/12/2010 Morningstar Crowns the Fund Managers of the Decade
1/12/2010 Invesco Consolidates Some Businesses
1/12/2010 A Fido Unit Ventures Away From the Nest
1/12/2010 PowerShares Raises Fees on its Dollar Menu
1/12/2010 Investors Warm to the New Face of Janus
1/11/2010 Jeff Gundlach Hits Back at TCW
1/11/2010 Kasina Advises Fund Firms to Adjust Internal Wholesaler Comp
1/11/2010 Fink Updates His Mutual Fund History Book
1/11/2010 Four Move Up at Thornburg
1/11/2010 Gorman Joins an Indexer
1/11/2010 Supremes Ask Obama What to Do With Janus
1/11/2010 Foster Friess Awaits a Warm Reception for
1/11/2010 The TCW-Gundlach Divorce: A Timeline
1/11/2010 WSJ Picks Up on Goldman's ETF Ambitions
1/11/2010 ETFs Win Out in a Slow December
1/11/2010 Catalyst Sparked Equity Funds' Sprint Past the S&P
1/8/2010 An Asset Manager's Co-Founder Dies
1/8/2010 A Top 25 Fund Firm Cuts Wholesaler Comp
1/8/2010 Gundlach Readies His Counter-Suit
1/8/2010 Transamerica Investment Management Taps a New Leader
1/8/2010 Yet Another ProShares ETF Faces the Same Basic Attack
1/8/2010 Gundlach Blasts TCW Suit as 'Shabby' and 'Groundless'
1/8/2010 Wells Fargo Lifts the Lid Off a Small Cap Fund
1/8/2010 SEC Finds No Staff Misconduct in Handling of Putnam Whistleblower's Allegations in 2003
1/8/2010 Sycuan Plans to Liquidate its Sole Fund
1/7/2010 Eaton Vance Sees the Economy's 'Engine Heating Up'
1/7/2010 TCW Retaliates Against Gundlach
1/7/2010 FUSE's Ten Trends for 2010
1/7/2010 FRC's ETF Analyst Departs
1/7/2010 Gross Tilts at Windmills and Has No Gilt
1/7/2010 Jaffe Sees No 12b-1 Reform in 2010
1/7/2010 529 Plans Catch SRI Fever
1/7/2010 Janus Names its New CEO
1/6/2010 A Quiet Mutual Fund Giant Adds a New Channel
1/6/2010 Doll Gives Reporters a Peek into His Crystal Ball
1/6/2010 Pax World and Morningstar Bundle 'Responsible' Investing Options
1/6/2010 Compass Debuts its Third Fund-of-ETFs
1/6/2010 Heartland is on the Hunt to Fill a C-Level Post
1/6/2010 Casey Quirk Welcomes New Partners
1/6/2010 Gundlach Lifts Out Another TCW Team
1/6/2010 Baron Stakes His Claim in Real Estate
1/6/2010 2009 Was the Year of Bond Fund Flows
1/6/2010 Will Manning and Napier Take Up Bill Miller's Mantle?
1/6/2010 WSJ Forecasts Mutual Fund Sun With a Chance of Clouds in '10
1/6/2010 AQR Dives Deeper Into the Mutual Fund Business
1/6/2010 What's the Latest Word on Active Versus Passive?
1/5/2010 Vanguard to Pay $300,000 to Settle a Racial Bias Suit
1/5/2010 A Key RiverSource Exec Will Move On Post-Deal
1/5/2010 Pru is Hiring
1/5/2010 MMA Praxis Unveils 'Genesis Portfolios'
1/5/2010 American Funds, Berkowitz and Loomis Sayles Gain Top Manager Kudos
1/5/2010 Lazard Takes a $1.98 Billion Strategy to the Mutual Fund World
1/5/2010 WisdomTree ETF Eyes International Equities
1/5/2010 Huntington Funds Goes Global
1/5/2010 TCW Bows Out of a Treasury Program
1/5/2010 First Focus Funds Hires a New Co-Administrator
1/5/2010 Putnam, Hancock Reportedly Eye ETFs Even as iShares Gains Share
1/4/2010 Sale Buzz Surrounds a Bank's Mutual Fund Unit
1/4/2010 TIAA-CREF Becomes the First Big Fund Firm to Divest From Sudan
1/4/2010 TCW Unveils a New Fund
1/4/2010 Delaware Starts the Year with a New Owner
1/4/2010 Eyes Turn to Janus as January Dawns
1/4/2010 American Funds Rings in the New Year With a Victory in Court
1/4/2010 Transamerica Extends Purchase Threshold Reduction for its Short-Term Bond Fund
1/4/2010 International Funds Beat the Locals in 2009
1/4/2010 Third Avenue's Whitman to Step Down as Co-CIO

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