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Stories Published Between 4/1/2005 And 7/1/2005
6/30/2005 Fink Longs for Equities
6/30/2005 BNP Paribas Makes Managed Account Push
6/30/2005 Hancock Ready to Adopt GMO Funds
6/30/2005 A Buddy for Barclays?
6/30/2005 Martin Steps up as CFO at Janus
6/29/2005 Donaldson Holds Ground on Fund Governance
6/29/2005 SEC's Cutler Joins D.C. Firm
6/29/2005 Wellington Hired to Subadvise New SRI Fund
6/28/2005 Federated Picks up $164 MM in AUM
6/28/2005 Mansueto's Fast Company
6/28/2005 Post Deal Talk with Chip Mason
6/28/2005 Schwab Makes Foray into Mass SMAs
6/28/2005 Bank Says Bye Bye to Fund Biz
6/27/2005 Prosecutors Target Class Action Lawyers
6/27/2005 Trading Firm's Asset Management Unit May Face SEC Action
6/27/2005 What Will the SEC Come up With?
6/27/2005 Will Other Brokerages Sell off Assets?
6/24/2005 SEC Probes Janus' Bay Isle Unit
6/24/2005 MassMutual Mystery Envelops OppenheimerFunds
6/24/2005 Hitting the Billion Mark
6/24/2005 Legg Mason Becomes Fifth Largest Fund Manager
6/23/2005 Ex-MassMutual CEO Plans to Fight
6/23/2005 SEC Will Revote on Indy Rule
6/22/2005 PWC Resigns as Solly Fund Auditor
6/22/2005 Welcome to TD Ameritrade
6/22/2005 Burt Greenwald Joins Board
6/22/2005 What Did O'Connell Do?
6/22/2005 Details on the Citigroup, Legg Mason Deal
6/21/2005 Barclays Chooses New COO from Consultant Ranks
6/21/2005 Judge Sends Indy Rule Back to SEC
6/21/2005 Regulatory Backlash at MassMutual?
6/21/2005 Vilar Meets Bail
6/21/2005 Allianz Sells Boston Institutional Manager
6/20/2005 Russell Inks Managed Account Deal
6/20/2005 Contrarian to Manage New Scudder Fund
6/20/2005 Ameritrade Near Deal for TD Waterhouse
6/20/2005 Morningstar Founder Eyes Business Magazines
6/20/2005 Ivy Funds Get New CIO
6/17/2005 Team of Four to Handle Strategy at MassMutual
6/17/2005 SEC's Goldschmid Guards Seat
6/17/2005 Who's Got Bias?
6/16/2005 PowerShares Partners with Amex for More ETFs
6/16/2005 Ex-Fidelity Exec Joins Board
6/16/2005 Who's with Amerindo?
6/16/2005 Russell Hires Strategy Exec
6/16/2005 MassMutual Shuts out Galvin
6/15/2005 Oppenheimer Names Replacement for Ruotolo
6/15/2005 Sterling Financial Unit Joins Fund Biz
6/15/2005 Morningstar Fields Investor Questions
6/15/2005 No Payday for Putnam Whistleblower
6/14/2005 Pershing Adds Wilshire Funds
6/14/2005 Employees Seek $5 MM from Fidelity for Unpaid Overtime
6/14/2005 Does Gabelli Have Plans?
6/14/2005 Franklin Hires Counsel
6/13/2005 Vilar Pleads Not Guilty; Expects to Make Bail Soon
6/13/2005 SSgA Hunts for ETF Ideas
6/10/2005 MassMutual Names CIO
6/10/2005 Marsh Says No Sale, Again
6/10/2005 Amerindo's Tanaka Stalls, But Horses Keep on Racing
6/10/2005 Merrill: A Natural Consolidator?
6/10/2005 Vilar's Brokedown Palace
6/9/2005 ETFs Expand Reach
6/9/2005 Citigroup HNW Bank Names CEO
6/9/2005 Mellon Eyes More Private Wealth Buys
6/9/2005 Alliance Blames Outflows on Lineup, Not Scandals
6/9/2005 EV Chief Weighs in on Solo Shops
6/8/2005 NASD Fines 15 Over Shelf-Space Payments
6/8/2005 Legg Mason Ducks and Covers
6/7/2005 AEFA Spin-off Will Cost $945 MM
6/6/2005 Burns Steps Aside at Pimco Funds
6/6/2005 Munder Wins Mandate from Troubled Amerindo
6/6/2005 GAO to Release Second SEC Report to House Committee
6/6/2005 Wm Blair Targets Emerging Markets Investors
6/6/2005 Bisys Lands PFPC Sales Exec
6/6/2005 E*Trade Ups Ameritrade Bid
6/6/2005 Armada Pledges Allegiant
6/6/2005 Vilar's Friends Leave Him in the Lurch
6/3/2005 Bogle Racks up Tenth Doctorate
6/3/2005 A MassMutual Mystery
6/3/2005 Ex-Music Theorist Opens Fund Shop in Dairyland, USA
6/3/2005 Cox Roundup: A Mixed Review
6/3/2005 Marsh Hires I-Banks to Help with Putnam
6/3/2005 More Trouble for Amerindo's Vilar?
6/2/2005 Putnam Redux: Is an IPO in the Offing?
6/2/2005 BofA Seeks to Merge Funds
6/2/2005 SEC Asks for Receivership for Amerindo
6/2/2005 Fido Slashes Bond Fund Fees
6/2/2005 Is Citi Exiting the Fund Business?
6/2/2005 Bush Ready to Name Donaldson Replacement
6/1/2005 Ameritrade in Deal Talks, But Not With E*Trader
6/1/2005 American Century Gets TIPSy, Again
6/1/2005 MF Wrap Hits Billion Mark
5/31/2005 Amerindo's Vilar Faces Fraud Charges
5/31/2005 Magellan's Shrinking Fees
5/27/2005 Funds Can Capitalize on Retiree Boom
5/27/2005 State Street Opens First Mainland China Office
5/27/2005 W&R's Tucker Gets Comfy Exit
5/26/2005 W&R Chief Steps Aside
5/26/2005 Corporate Responsibility Firm Joins Fund Game
5/26/2005 Rydex Adds Commodity, Currency Funds
5/25/2005 Schwab Ends Waterhouse Spat
5/25/2005 MFAC Hosts Charity Golf at Pinehills
5/25/2005 KC Trust Firm Plans Entry into Funds
5/25/2005 Pioneer Fund to Close
5/25/2005 SEC Faces Budget Scrutiny, Travel Cuts
5/25/2005 Silicon Valley Firm Mulls Active ETF
5/24/2005 ProFunds Stadium? Deal for Nats’ Home Naming Rights Near
5/24/2005 Insurer Launches Lifestyle Funds
5/24/2005 Denver Fund Firm Chooses Bisys
5/24/2005 Big Apple Firm Lands Slot with Vanguard Fund
5/23/2005 New Oil ETF Gains Attention, But Little Scrutiny
5/23/2005 GOP Senators Troubled by SEC's Donaldson
5/20/2005 Fund Transparency Act is Back
5/20/2005 WSJ: Attack of the Clones
5/19/2005 Sihpol Case May Cost BofA its NYC Lease ... and More
5/19/2005 Spitzer Moves to the Groove
5/19/2005 Dems Make Recommendation for Their SEC Seat
5/19/2005 Integrity Launches a Fund for All Seasons
5/18/2005 New Fund Bets Against Dollar
5/18/2005 Brandywine Advisor Closes Another Door
5/18/2005 Artisan Chief Takes Job in the Arts
5/18/2005 Who Would Buy Janus?
5/17/2005 Setback for Edward Jones in Shelf Space Case
5/16/2005 Takeover Rumors Lift Janus Shares
5/16/2005 Lord Abbett Closes Two Funds to New Money
5/16/2005 Lawyers File Suit on Behalf of Putnam B-Share Investors
5/16/2005 Strong Given More Time to Divest Stake
5/13/2005 SEC Slaps Suit on MFS Exec
5/13/2005 Regional Bank Hires SMA Provider
5/12/2005 Citi Exec Named Top Dog at Schwab's U.S. Trust
5/12/2005 Details Emerge on ETrade's Takeover Bid
5/12/2005 TIAA-CREF Hires Governance Head
5/12/2005 Ameritrade: We're Not for Sale
5/12/2005 It's Official: Thomsen Gets Top Enforcement Post at SEC
5/11/2005 Fund Probe Delays Bisys Earnings, Again
5/11/2005 Franklin Mutual Exec Opens Own Fund Advisor
5/11/2005 Franklin Sees Strong Growth from Overseas
5/10/2005 NASD Makes Verbal Offer to A G Edwards
5/10/2005 Hartford Adds Three Funds
5/10/2005 MLIM Adds to VI Fund Lineup
5/10/2005 OppFunds Plans Dividend Growth Fund
5/10/2005 Fidelity Unloading Archipelago Shares
5/10/2005 Proteges Outshine Former Master
5/10/2005 Pax World Names CEO
5/9/2005 Is Fido Mulling a Sale?
5/9/2005 Is Ameritrade a Seller?
5/9/2005 Ex-Fido Fund Manager Plots New Destiny
5/9/2005 Wells Lets Slip Strong Account Info
5/6/2005 Turner Names Chief Marketer
5/6/2005 Pacific Life Adds Mangers to VAs
5/6/2005 Reports Suggests Governance Changes for TIAA-CREF
5/6/2005 Fund Manager Pay Jumps Along with Fund Assets
5/6/2005 Fidelity Flap Widening
5/6/2005 Fido Shifting Analyst Development Path
5/5/2005 Integrity to Fold IPS Funds
5/5/2005 Quaker Funds Replaces Subadvisor
5/5/2005 New Cub Fund at Julius Bear
5/5/2005 NY Times Notices Fido Trading Flap
5/4/2005 Van Kampen Exec Joins Ibbotson
5/4/2005 Ned Defends Abby as Analysts Misread His Moves
5/4/2005 Son, Mansueto and Armour Should be All Smiles
5/4/2005 Fidelity Trading Flap Widens; SG Cowen Equity Head Gone
5/3/2005 Sauter's Role at Vanguard Shifts
5/3/2005 Fidelity Honchos Play Musical Chairs
5/3/2005 Morningstar IPO Finally Done
5/2/2005 Roye Finds New Home
5/2/2005 Domini Makes Bet on Brokers
5/2/2005 Ibbotson Helps Calvert with New Funds
5/2/2005 CDC Nvest Becomes IXIS
5/2/2005 Fortis Denies Complete Sale
5/2/2005 IPO Finally Set for Morningstar
5/2/2005 Gabelli Takes Home $55 MM
5/2/2005 Two Win Subadvisor Slots with WM Group
5/2/2005 MFS Picks SMA Outsourcer
5/2/2005 Job Poorly Done at the SEC?
4/29/2005 Hartford Sets Spitzer, SEC Reserve of $66 MM
4/29/2005 Alliance AUM Up, but Earnings Disappoint
4/29/2005 Bay Area Fund Firm Works It
4/29/2005 Gabelli's Slips on Q1 Earnings
4/28/2005 Franklin's Earnings In-Line
4/28/2005 Fund Plays Copycat to Berkshire Hathaway
4/27/2005 AMG's Mutual Funds Drive Increase in AUM
4/27/2005 T. Rowe's Earnings Off the Mark
4/27/2005 SEI's Q1 Earnings Meet Expectations
4/27/2005 Fido to Close Popular Small Cap Fund
4/26/2005 Gabelli Takes Home $55 Million
4/26/2005 Senate Will Take Up Social Security Today
4/26/2005 Mack-Langone Court Goldman's Wall Street Rivals
4/26/2005 PowerShares Betting on New Fund Structure
4/25/2005 Grasso Mulls Making Rival Offer for NYSE
4/25/2005 Jaffe: Funds Should Improve Writing
4/25/2005 Know Your Investigator
4/25/2005 HSBC Puts UK Manager on the Block
4/22/2005 Uncertainty at the SEC
4/22/2005 Why Are Fund Fees Not Falling?
4/22/2005 Pitt Takes Board Seat
4/21/2005 NASD Gets Nasty on Sales Incentive Issue
4/21/2005 BoNY Makes Small Cap Moves
4/21/2005 Regulators Scrutinize Conversion Sales of 529 Plans
4/21/2005 Vanguard Fee Cuts Will Hit of Quarter of AUM
4/21/2005 National Financial Chief Resigns from Fido
4/21/2005 Another Firm Copes with Lost Customer Data
4/20/2005 Fido's B-D Adds 400,000 Accounts in Q1
4/20/2005 BGI Files for Two EAFE Funds
4/20/2005 State Street CEO Says "No Sale"
4/20/2005 Fund Firms Play the Performance Card
4/20/2005 Janus Stems Outflows in Retail and Advisor Channels
4/19/2005 Alliance Not Liable for Enron Investments
4/19/2005 Two Join T. Rowe's Emerging Market Team
4/19/2005 AMG Buys Six Money Managers for $250 MM
4/19/2005 Placemark Inks Brokerage Deal
4/19/2005 BlackRock Assets Soar, but Earnings Disappoint
4/18/2005 Evergreen Chair Joins Board of Marketing Co
4/18/2005 Burglars Hit Offices of Midwest Fund Firm
4/18/2005 Chamber Calls Indy Rule ‘Extraordinary’
4/18/2005 JPMorgan Consolidates Trust Group
4/18/2005 Morgan's Dean Witter Falters
4/15/2005 Hello, GAMCO
4/15/2005 Schroeder Boosts Large Cap Team
4/15/2005 The WSJ Takes a Tumble
4/15/2005 Schwab's Quarterly Fund Assets Drop
4/15/2005 Who Wants to be CEO of Amvescap?
4/15/2005 ProFunds in Stadium Naming Bid
4/14/2005 Top SEC Enforcer Calls it Quits
4/14/2005 Chi-Town Firm Ends Soft Dollar Use
4/14/2005 Harbor's Small Cap Fund to Close
4/14/2005 Calamos Goes Performance-Fee Route with New Fund
4/13/2005 Are Hedge Funds Better Than Forty Act Funds?
4/13/2005 Cohen & Steers Hires Neuberger CFO
4/13/2005 Funds' Proxy Voting Under More Scrutiny
4/12/2005 Cali Firm Launches New SMA Strategy
4/12/2005 Lehman Parent Gets Pass in Canary Suit
4/12/2005 Vanguard Vet Mulls Career Change
4/11/2005 Judges to Hear Challenge to Indy Chair Rule
4/11/2005 Domini Founder Makes Time's Top 100
4/11/2005 SIA Member Wants Distance from Social Security Reform
4/11/2005 Schwab Names RIA Board
4/11/2005 Education Provider Hires Strong Vet
4/11/2005 It is Official: Strong is No More
4/11/2005 Morningstar IPO May Happen as Soon as Next Week
4/11/2005 OppFunds Join Asset Allocation Fund Parade
4/8/2005 Janus Hires Exec for Institutional Biz
4/8/2005 Seattle Firm Under Scrutiny for Performance Fees
4/7/2005 HSBC Swipes Team for New 'Alpha' Fund Line
4/7/2005 Fidelity Steps up Challenge to Schwab
4/7/2005 Franklin is Generous with the Bennies
4/7/2005 Fido Manager Takes Leave of Absence
4/6/2005 Allianz Makes the Change
4/6/2005 WM Group Swaps TA
4/6/2005 Fido Fund Gets Co-Manager
4/6/2005 Mergers Away for Columbia Funds
4/5/2005 Portland Fund Firm Adds California Rep
4/5/2005 Vanguard Streamlines Data Ops
4/5/2005 MainStay Makes Asset Allocation Bet
4/5/2005 Delaware Hires Five Away from Transamerica
4/5/2005 Bachelor Party Haunts Ex-Fido Trader
4/5/2005 NASD Shakes Up Point-of-Sale Disclosure Rules
4/4/2005 Bisys Puts Ed Unit on the Block
4/4/2005 SEC Names Roye Successor
4/4/2005 Forward Funds Adds Multi-Advisor Fund
4/4/2005 Skin in the Game Matters for Fund Directors
4/4/2005 844 Funds Cut Fees in 2004
4/4/2005 Armada Takes Four From Harris
4/4/2005 NASD Expected to Fine Edward Jones
4/1/2005 WSJ Takes Up LA Times Lead
4/1/2005 Quartet of Transamerica Analysts Resigns
4/1/2005 Haldeman Takes Home Bigger Check
4/1/2005 April 1 No Fools Day at Vanguard

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