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Stories Published Between 4/1/2007 And 7/1/2007
6/29/2007 UPDATE 1| IXIS Makes A Buy
6/29/2007 Fido Makes the Switch to DST
6/29/2007 Rothenberg True to Lovelace Legacy
6/29/2007 Mutual Fund Giants Looking for New Recruits
6/29/2007 Fido's Plan Draws Fire
6/29/2007 Security Benefit Lawyers Spotlight Themselves
6/29/2007 Rothenberg: No ETFs for American Funds
6/28/2007 Claymore Adds Another ETF to its Roster
6/28/2007 NASD Slaps Four Companies with Fines
6/28/2007 Why Did Rydex and Security Benefit Do It?
6/28/2007 UPDATE 1| Rydex Says Yes to Security Benefit
6/28/2007 UPDATE 5 | The Rydex Sale: Anatomy of a Story
6/28/2007 ProShares Files for 25 New Funds
6/28/2007 Fido Shares Bought Back ... But By and From Whom?
6/28/2007 WSJ: Is there Such as Thing as too Many ETFs?
6/27/2007 Calamos Intros New Bond Fund
6/27/2007 Touchstone Hires Two
6/27/2007 Globe Wonders If Fundamental Indexing is a Fundamental Yawn
6/27/2007 Pozen To Chair New SEC Advisory Committee
6/27/2007 Wells Fargo Names New CEO
6/27/2007 Hedge Fund Busted by the SEC for Late Trading
6/27/2007 Claymore Launches Two ETFs
6/27/2007 ReFlow Adds Fund Giant to Client List
6/27/2007 SEC Honcho Sails Through Oversight Hearing
6/27/2007 Get a Side Order of Fries with Your Mutual Fund
6/27/2007 Vanguard Preps Three More Active ETFs
6/27/2007 ICON Adds Two to Sales Team
6/27/2007 Janus Leaves the Past Behind
6/26/2007 Fido Beefs Up RIA Sales
6/26/2007 PowerShares Celebrates ETF Launch with Trading Floor Soiree
6/26/2007 JennisonDryden Wholesalers Earn Professional Plan Consultant Status
6/26/2007 New SEC Tool Allows Investors to Find Out if They Invest in Terrorism
6/26/2007 AXA Names New Fund VP
6/26/2007 BD Group Asks Cox to Leave Section 28(e) Alone
6/26/2007 BlackRock: Why Hedge When You Can Fund a Long-Short?
6/26/2007 NYLIM Intros Retirement Funds Line
6/25/2007 Investors to Janus: It's Not Over Yet
6/25/2007 12b-1 Fees Face Major Obstacles
6/25/2007 John Hancock Settles SEC Suit
6/25/2007 Morningstar Looks Within to Find New CFO
6/25/2007 UPDATE 1: Ex-Employee: Fidelity Willfully Broke Partiot Act
6/25/2007 Vanguard Files Registration for Long-term Bond Fund
6/25/2007 SSgA Proposes Two New ETFs
6/25/2007 Cerulli Releases Global Fund Manager Rankings
6/25/2007 Claymore Starts "Sudan-Free" ETF
6/22/2007 Forward Adds Share Class
6/22/2007 BoNY, Mellon Announce Picks for Joint Board
6/22/2007 Hedge Fund or Mutual Fund? Missing Funds and Added Disclosure.
6/22/2007 Study Finds Omnibus Accounts Limit Funds' Ablility to Find Market-Timers
6/22/2007 What Does the Nuveen Deal Mean?
6/22/2007 IXIS, Security Benefit Life Need Your Experience
6/22/2007 401k Fee Suits: Fidelity: 1, Schlichter: 0
6/22/2007 Emerging DC Recordkeeper Seeks Larger Plans
6/22/2007 NASD Hits Wachovia with Fine for Lax Broker Supervision
6/21/2007 TSX Datalinx Up with SFTI
6/21/2007 Man Appoints EVP
6/21/2007 A New SPDR Crawls into SSgA's Lineup
6/21/2007 One I-Banker Does Another
6/21/2007 Timeline: Nuveen Sale
6/21/2007 Fidelity Unit Adds New Portfolio Manager
6/21/2007 MainStay Adds Three 130/30 Funds
6/20/2007 Northern Funds Links Up with PFPC Portal
6/20/2007 Ex-Pioneer Chief Climbs the NYLIM Ladder
6/20/2007 The Winning NASD-NYSE Combo Name is..
6/20/2007 Fund Fees Hit 26-Year Low
6/20/2007 Forward Steps Up with Two New Board Members
6/20/2007 Northern Trust Adds Three to Sales Team
6/20/2007 SEC Gives Thumbs Up to XBRL
6/20/2007 Nuveen Execs Discuss Company's Future
6/20/2007 UPDATE 3 | Nuveen Sells
6/20/2007 Who is Madison Dearborn Partners?
6/20/2007 More ETF Issuers Pull Stars off of the Quad
6/20/2007 Overheard at the SEC 12b-1 Roundtable
6/19/2007 American Century Names CIO for US Growth Equity
6/19/2007 Study: Emerging Crop of Pro Buyers Gains Influence
6/19/2007 John Hancock Funds Names COO
6/19/2007 SEC Says Fund Firms Dealt Well with Disaster
6/19/2007 PowerShares Adds Four ETFs
6/19/2007 NASD, NYSE Invite Comments on New Proposal
6/19/2007 WSJ Teaches 12b-101
6/18/2007 FRC: Target Date Funds Look Hot in 2011
6/18/2007 kasina Hires Three, Five More to Come
6/18/2007 AssetMark Leverages Fundamental Index Concept for 4 New Funds
6/18/2007 Kensington Adds New Global Fund
6/18/2007 First Trust Fund Finds New Life in ETF Format
6/18/2007 II Says Janus Swings Back Into the Black
6/18/2007 BoNY Launches Web-Based System for ETF Processing
6/18/2007 Nationwide Readies Target-Date Funds
6/18/2007 Marsico Speaks Out on Buyback
6/15/2007 Legg Mason Looking for a Few Good Men and Women
6/15/2007 Fed Blesses Mellon-BoNY Merger
6/15/2007 Evergreen to Merge Funds
6/15/2007 Novick Puts BlackRock Chips on 401ks
6/15/2007 Does a Billion Dollar Bet on Rydex Make Sense?
6/15/2007 Harbor Funds Picks New Subadvisor For Large Cap Value Fund
6/15/2007 BGI Launches Dividend ETF
6/15/2007 SEC to Propose Rule on Unbundling Comissions, Just Not Anytime Soon
6/15/2007 Marsico to Buy Back Namesake Funds
6/14/2007 Vanguard Adds Sub-Advisor to Two Funds
6/14/2007 The NYSE Disiplines Crowell, Weedon & Co. for Prospectus Violations
6/14/2007 The Hartford Promotes Andriola
6/14/2007 Advent Gets New Moxy
6/14/2007 Judge Grants Class Action Status to Fee Suit
6/14/2007 SEC Tags Data Proposal for Vote
6/14/2007 Invesmart Co-Founder Puts Up New Venture
6/13/2007 Second Wave of Pilgrim Baxter Investors Gets Fair Fund Money
6/13/2007 Integrity Names New National Sales Manager
6/13/2007 Fundies Raise Over 350K for a Good Cause
6/13/2007 UMB Fund Services Promotes New Recruit to CEO
6/13/2007 Calvert Rolls Out Alternative Energy Fund
6/13/2007 Payden Adds ETFs and Securities to the Target Date Mix
6/13/2007 AER and XFunds Inch Towards Active ETFs
6/12/2007 BenefitStreet & Barclays Partner to Gain 401k Share
6/12/2007 Dow Jones Switches Up Target Date Indexes
6/12/2007 Advent Adds Vice President
6/12/2007 Kranefuss Briefs Wall Street Scribes on ETFs
6/12/2007 SEC Rolls Out 12b-1 Roundtable Schedule and Participants
6/12/2007 Pru AVP Benintende Signs on at Mainstay Funds
6/12/2007 Integrity Funds Gets Official SRI Stamp
6/12/2007 Is Your Shareholder Communication Worthy of A STAR?
6/12/2007 Morningstar: Here're Ten Things You Never Knew About ETFs
6/12/2007 Fidelity Tries Out Financial Planning
6/12/2007 PowerShares Adds 5 New ETFs to its Portfolio
6/11/2007 McVey Leaves Morgan Stanley for Hedge Fund Shop
6/11/2007 More Mutual Funds Offer Fee Waivers
6/11/2007 The Hartford Names President and COO
6/11/2007 Ex-Lipper Research Head Drowns in Accident
6/11/2007 Pioneer Sales Chief Pulls Up Stakes
6/11/2007 Rydex Play Gets Broader Press
6/11/2007 Morgan Stanley Plans Asian Push
6/8/2007 Hennion & Walsh Partner with Lipper to Launch New Funds
6/8/2007 Invesco Ousts AIM Distributors' Chief
6/8/2007 Fundies Oversubscribe MFAC: Charity Splits Event
6/8/2007 Pisarkiewicz Walks from BoNY
6/8/2007 All American Jobs and TD Ameritrade is Looking
6/7/2007 Dilsaver Reveals Schwab Funds' Biggest Secret
6/7/2007 Schwab Institutional Creates Service to Counsel Newly Emacipated Advisors
6/7/2007 American Century Names New COO
6/7/2007 Vista Research Annouces New Fund
6/7/2007 Insiders May Be A Fund Company's Biggest Security Threat
6/6/2007 Franklin Templeton to Join Web Platform
6/6/2007 Manulife in the Market for More U.S Fund Companies
6/6/2007 Evergreen Promotes Longtime Fund Manager
6/6/2007 Majority of Janus Investors will See No Fair Fund Money
6/6/2007 Hedgers Try to Push TD Ameritrade into Play
6/6/2007 BlackRock Dolls Up a New 130/30 Fund
6/5/2007 Rydex Tops Growth Marks
6/5/2007 Adam Bold: Fund Managers are the Secret of My Success
6/5/2007 New York Lawyer Joins SEC’s Division of Investment Management
6/5/2007 WisdomTree Broadens ETF Roster
6/5/2007 Study: High-Net Worth Investors Not Keen on Index Funds
6/5/2007 SEI to Hold Webcast of Investor Conference
6/5/2007 ProShares Marks a Milestone
6/5/2007 Fund Leaders Support Management More than Shareholders
6/4/2007 Ex-Putnam Portfolio Managers Settle with the SEC
6/4/2007 FSI Weighs in on 12b-1 Fees
6/4/2007 Gabelli Launches SRI Fund
6/4/2007 Johnson Wants Fidelity to Take on Schwab
6/4/2007 Media Watch: Money-Media Shifts Resources to Ignites
6/4/2007 American Century To Add a Dozen Funds to Advisor-Sold Lineup
6/4/2007 T. Rowe Goes to Boca to Woo Walk Ins
6/4/2007 Familiar Faces at Funds Find Satisfied Investors
6/4/2007 The ICI Strikes Back at Stable Value
6/4/2007 Canada's Fund Power Brokers
6/1/2007 Citigroup Decides FRC's Fate
6/1/2007 Scheve to Depart from Legg Mason
6/1/2007 Accessor Does its Research
6/1/2007 Grabbed from the Monster - Set Sail For Vanguard
6/1/2007 XShares Expands ETF Lineup
6/1/2007 WSJ: Specialists Turn Tables on ETF Issuers
5/31/2007 Calvert Seeks Global Opportunities
5/31/2007 A.G. Edwards & Wachovia Could Create Fund Distribution Giant
5/31/2007 Principal Funds Flourish After WM Merger
5/31/2007 Cox Going it Alone on Soft Dollars
5/31/2007 ICI Finds April Showers Don't Dampen Fund Flows
5/30/2007 JPMorgan Adds Fund Strategy to Wachovia Platform
5/30/2007 Atkins May Leave the SEC
5/30/2007 SEC Schedules 12b-1 Roundtable
5/30/2007 Fido Traders Saying Sayanara to Tokyo
5/30/2007 Mexican Fund Market is Jumping
5/30/2007 OppFunds Portfolio Manager to Retire
5/30/2007 Greene Consultants Give Wholesalers the Distribution Advantage
5/29/2007 Court Dismisses Case Against Janus Subsidiary
5/29/2007 State Street To Boost ETF Lineup
5/29/2007 Vanguard Gives Barclays a Pricing Headache
5/29/2007 RiverSource Is Beefing Up Its Wholesaling Team
5/29/2007 Divesting for Darfur May Be About To Get Easier
5/29/2007 Spitzer Forms Panel to Update Financial Regulation
5/29/2007 BGI ETFs Topped April Sales Charts
5/29/2007 Fund Companies are Just Data to Confluence
5/29/2007 WSJ: Study Finds More Outsourcing is on the Horizon
5/25/2007 Is There Life After 12b-1?
5/25/2007 Diligent Boardbooks Saves Trees and Fund Board Members at the Same Time
5/25/2007 NYSE: Brokers Can Vote For Fund Shareholders
5/25/2007 Grabbed From the Monster: ING Prowls for Ops Coordinator
5/25/2007 TD Ameritrade Pulls Trigger on Fiserv ISS Deal
5/24/2007 Study: Fund Outsourcing to Ramp Up in the Next Two Years
5/24/2007 Update 1 | Is Joe Mansueto the New Bill Gates?
5/24/2007 Eaton Vance Posts Drop In Q2 Profit
5/24/2007 Lynch Bet on Defeating Aging Pays Early
5/24/2007 AMVESCAP No More
5/24/2007 Pozen: MFS is Better Off Single
5/24/2007 Eaton Vance Hires a New Distribution Head
5/23/2007 Lipper Adds Retirement Planning Tool to Repertoire
5/23/2007 Getting on the Good Side of 401k Gatekeepers
5/23/2007 BISYS Pays $25 Million to Settle SEC Case
5/23/2007 Barclays Adds iPath ETN
5/23/2007 NASD to Fund Firms: Some Client Wooing Is OK
5/23/2007 Van Eck Hopes to Expand ETFs to Lucky Seven
5/23/2007 What Tricks Does Fidelity Anywhere Have Up its Sleeves?
5/22/2007 The Hartford's 529 College Savings Program Hits Milestone
5/22/2007 Two Fund Firms Complete Confluence's Risk/Return Challenge
5/22/2007 Liquidity is the Name of the Game at Reflow
5/22/2007 RiverSource Introduces Two New Funds
5/22/2007 JPMorgan Intros Depositary Receipt Index Program
5/22/2007 Board Candidates Unlikely to get a Shearing from Fund Managers
5/22/2007 Fund Fees Continue Downward Trek
5/22/2007 Fidelity Venture Bet Adds Second Private Equity Fund
5/21/2007 McWhinney Makes a Sudden Exit from Schwab
5/21/2007 Tweedy Browne to Add New Fund
5/21/2007 Media Watch: Reporters on the Move
5/21/2007 US Global Shares Surge on No News
5/21/2007 S&P 500 Nears Record
5/21/2007 Rydex's Futures Fund Crosses $100-Million Mark
5/21/2007 Darfur Activists Find New Fund Shop to Target
5/21/2007 SunGard Adds Reconciliation Service to IMpower
5/21/2007 Vanguard Adds International ETF
5/21/2007 Southern State Dumps 529 Manager
5/21/2007 Putnam's CEO Is Reportedly OK with Passing the Baton
5/21/2007 Security Benefit Goes Shopping
5/21/2007 Life After Patel
5/18/2007 Grabbed From the Monster
5/18/2007 Bear Stearns Slapped with Suit Over Amerindo Transfer
5/18/2007 Speculation in Green Funds May Lead to Trouble
5/18/2007 Fido Slashes Fees on Four AMT-Free Funds
5/18/2007 BoNY/Mellon Sees More Boston Jobs as Keepers
5/18/2007 Spitzer Veteran Done Chopping, but Keeps Wall Street Ties
5/18/2007 WSJ: VC Firms Tempted by ETFs
5/17/2007 Hennessy Funds Find Success in Putting Clients First
5/17/2007 Corkins Makeover of the Janus Fund Brings Good Returns
5/17/2007 Advisors Asset Management Hires SVP
5/17/2007 How Pimco's Thompson Courted Greenspan
5/17/2007 State Street And Mellon Set for Custodial Asset Showdown
5/17/2007 Fidelity Says PetroChina Divestiture Not Prompted by Protests
5/17/2007 SEC Creates Fair Funds Distributor
5/17/2007 Fund Managers Still Think US Stocks are Pricey
5/17/2007 Money Fund Assets Reach Record
5/16/2007 A Payout Nears for Janus and Invesco Shareholders
5/16/2007 Seen and Heard at the ICI GMM
5/16/2007 Pimco's Gross Gets An Advantage (and Greenspan's Attention)
5/16/2007 Fidelity Sells Most of its PetroChina Stake
5/15/2007 SEC Loses Regional Director
5/15/2007 Fidelity Adds Three Advisor Funds
5/15/2007 Dreyfus Chairman Signs on as Adviser to SoCal Asset Manager
5/15/2007 Claymore Plans "Super" ETFs
5/15/2007 Treadway Plunking Down Dough Again
5/15/2007 WSJ: Barclays and Rydex Currency Products Are Not the Same
5/15/2007 Fidelity Gains Ad Edge Over Protesters
5/15/2007 State Street Axes 450
5/14/2007 Chip Roame: Mutual funds have Nothing to Fear from Alternative Investments
5/14/2007 Schwab's One Source Platform Adds Four Funds
5/14/2007 New ETF offering is All Wet
5/14/2007 Tweedy, Browne Value Fund is Open Once More
5/14/2007 New Subadvisors Spice Up Hancock's Lifestyle
5/14/2007 Fund Execs Should Care About Retirement Income, Here's Why
5/14/2007 Lost in the Headlines: Putnam's Profits
5/14/2007 Phoenix Gets Hostile Advisory Bid
5/14/2007 Firm Finds Style Boxes Obsolete
5/11/2007 MFS Agrees to Settle Class-Action Suit
5/11/2007 First Trust Hits Two Exchanges in One Week
5/11/2007 BISYS Quarterly Report Shows What Buyers Are Getting
5/11/2007 Fidelity Persuades Media to Postpone Darfur Ads
5/11/2007 New First Trust Family Debuts
5/10/2007 Legg Mason's Big Year Draws Notice
5/10/2007 MFS Growing Under Sun Life
5/10/2007 Synovus' Mutual Funds Move North
5/10/2007 Feeling Threatened by SMAs, ETFs and Hedgers? Relax, Don't Worry
5/10/2007 RiverSource Hires Swell its Instituional Ranks
5/10/2007 Cox Pitches ICI Attendees on the Wonders of XBRL
5/10/2007 Amvescap, NYLIM Chiefs Kick Off This Year's ICI
5/9/2007 Fido-Oracle Partnership Gives Advisors Greater Flexibility
5/9/2007 Van Eck Begins the Greening of Wall Street
5/9/2007 FY 2007 Results Are In For Legg Mason
5/9/2007 Expanding Long/Short MF Strategy, Within Limits
5/9/2007 Two Fidelity BDs Fined for Ads Aimed at Military
5/9/2007 SEC Settles With Zurich on Behalf of Mutual Funds
5/9/2007 New Venue Set to Make this Year's ICI Special
5/8/2007 Accessor Awards Fund Administration Mandate
5/8/2007 Study Spotlights Fund Shops' Web Offerings For Small Retirement Plans
5/8/2007 Wilmington Trust to Buy RIA
5/8/2007 CapResearch, BlackRock & Alliance Chiefs to Speak at Morningstar
5/8/2007 Schwab Slashes Minimum Investment Requirement
5/8/2007 Fund Tracker Parent in Merge Talk
5/8/2007 Directors Report on 12b-1s
5/8/2007 New Tool is the Key to Unlocking Secrets of the Weathiest Investors
5/8/2007 Capital Group Plots Chesapeake Expansion
5/7/2007 Turner Appoints Director in Intermediary Distribution Team
5/7/2007 T. Rowe Launches New Web Site for Financial Intermediaries
5/7/2007 DST to Unveil Data Management Offering at ICI
5/7/2007 Eveillard Makes Comeback Official
5/7/2007 Bond Funds Get a Push in Q1
5/7/2007 Fidelity and ClearBridge Join Activism Movement
5/7/2007 Janus Excessive Fee Suit Is Headed for Dismissal
5/7/2007 Evergreen Finds Compliance with Guerin
5/4/2007 Janus Board Member Hands in Resignation
5/4/2007 Grabbed From the Monster
5/4/2007 Tice Solidifies Role as Wall Street's Wet Blanket
5/4/2007 Derivatives Cause Headaches for Fund Firms
5/4/2007 New BGI Funds Provide Exposure to REIT Market
5/4/2007 T. Rowe and Fidelity are Tops in Self Promotion
5/3/2007 Morningstar Profit Jumps 18 Percent In Q1
5/3/2007 Morgan Stanley Takes an Affinity to Someone Else's Investment Team
5/3/2007 Muni Funds Step into the Spotlight
5/2/2007 The BISYS Sale in Their Words
5/2/2007 Who is J.C. Flowers?
5/2/2007 Bisys' Buy Adds to Citi Fund Forum
5/2/2007 Citi Scoops Up Bisys Group -- Update 5
5/2/2007 Rydex Marketer Jumps Ship
5/1/2007 Bailey Says His Last Goodbyes
5/1/2007 Schwab Launches Real Estate Fund
5/1/2007 Ave Maria Funds Scores a Touchdown with Its Board Recruit
5/1/2007 A New Fund Finds a Place in Harbor
5/1/2007 Columbia Management Hires BlackRock Vet
5/1/2007 Goldman Sachs Adds Two Fund-of-Funds
5/1/2007 Two Bank Funds Walk From Bisys
5/1/2007 Pay Up, Work Up for Fund Directors
4/30/2007 UPDATE 5 | Six Fund Firms Pull Ahead, One Lags Behind When the Earnings Come Down
4/30/2007 Hartford Scores High in the First Quarter
4/30/2007 Fifth Third Celebrates Results
4/30/2007 M&I Promotes Longtime Exec
4/30/2007 Fund Workers Like Obama
4/30/2007 Which Fund Firms Do Best in DC Plans?
4/30/2007 Pyxis and Morningstar Partner to Make Wholesalers' Lives Easier
4/30/2007 Fidelity Leaps to China
4/30/2007 First Active ETF May be a Bit Tipsy
4/27/2007 McColgan States Obvious
4/27/2007 OpCo Unveils Q1 Results
4/27/2007 One American Wins The Other Loses in the Inflow Game
4/27/2007 Grabbed From the Monster
4/26/2007 Pershing's FundVest Platform Adds a New Member
4/26/2007 TIAA-CREF Lengthens its Glide Path
4/26/2007 Vanguard Slashes Account Fees (Even More)
4/26/2007 Edward Jones' Investors To See Their Fair Fund Money
4/26/2007 Fund Bomber's Package Went to Wrong Address
4/25/2007 Authorities Arrest Man Who Mailed Bombs to Two Fund Firms
4/25/2007 Campos Challenges Cox's Consensus Campaign
4/25/2007 Waddell & Reed Gets Good News in Q1 Results
4/25/2007 DTCC Puts Succession Plan in Motion
4/25/2007 SEC Commish: Feds Should Trump States in Enforcing Fund Regs
4/25/2007 ICON Advisors Hires New VP
4/25/2007 WSJ Zeroes In On Auto 401ks
4/25/2007 Another Values-Based Fund Enters the Market
4/25/2007 Fund Firms' Returns Nothing To Sneeze At
4/25/2007 Bisys Group Sale Reportedly is "Snagged"
4/24/2007 Legg Loses Mason's Successor
4/24/2007 Fido is the Target of Protesters' Ire
4/24/2007 Evergreen Lures Star Portfolio Manager
4/24/2007 Shopping with Federated
4/23/2007 Pilgrim Baxter Investors May Be About To Get Their Checks
4/23/2007 Federated Scoops Up A Rochdale Fund
4/23/2007 BGI Funds Snag Spot On STN Portal
4/23/2007 North Star Now Shines for M&I
4/23/2007 Former Rydex Team Carves Out New Niche
4/23/2007 Some Reporters Got It, Many Didn't ... A Job Well Done By Fidelity's PR
4/20/2007 Abracadabra! A New Aberdeen Fund
4/20/2007 PowerShares Powers Up
4/20/2007 OppFunds Calls for Sales Moratorium on SMID Fund
4/20/2007 Cox's Bugaboo Could be a Feature
4/20/2007 Nuveen Seeks and Finds a Better Investment Platform
4/20/2007 BlackRock Makes Twice the Mark
4/20/2007 Fund Track Adds Numbers to the Fidelity Succession Mix
4/19/2007 Nobody Saw It Coming . . .
4/19/2007 [UPDATE] What Changes Are in Store at Fido?
4/19/2007 Rydex Gets a Reason to Celebrate
4/19/2007 Fund Firms Fail Females
4/19/2007 It's Ellyn ...
4/19/2007 What about Bob?
4/19/2007 Victoria Bay Launches ETF
4/19/2007 McCartney Now Sings Backup at Fidelity
4/18/2007 Fido Gets Sensitivity Training
4/18/2007 SimCorp Throws Bash to Celebrate New Home
4/18/2007 Fund Supermarket May Sell
4/18/2007 The Tax Man Takes His Cut of Fund Profits
4/18/2007 Pope Adds A Sales Acolyte
4/18/2007 Advantus Hires SVP of Institutional Account Sales
4/18/2007 Flanagan Takes Pay Cut
4/18/2007 XShares Launches Two Funds
4/17/2007 Columbia Hires New Client Pro
4/17/2007 Rydex Execs Hold a Pow-wow
4/17/2007 Two Catholic Funds Become One
4/17/2007 Metzler/Payden Gets New COO
4/17/2007 Diversity Reigns at Some Funds
4/17/2007 M&A Branching Out Beyond Borders
4/16/2007 Technology Is the Key
4/16/2007 Dreyfus See Trials and Opportunities in the Future
4/16/2007 Delaware Investments Hires Head of Equity Investments
4/16/2007 Funds Tripping Up Legg
4/16/2007 Money Managers to SEC and DoL: Let Us in the Loop
4/16/2007 Rydex Adds Two New Funds
4/16/2007 Cox 12b-1 Comments Recall an SEC Pitfall
4/13/2007 Cox Gunning for 12b-1 Fees
4/13/2007 Goldman Outed as ABN Amro Banker
4/13/2007 Broadridge Appoints New President to Go With New Status
4/13/2007 Vices Can Be Good, One Fund Finds
4/13/2007 Piper Jaffray to Purchase Asset Manager
4/13/2007 New Faces at the Janus Flexible Bond Fund
4/13/2007 Two Sue Pru
4/12/2007 PIMCO Loses High-Yield Fund Manager
4/12/2007 OppFunds, JP Morgan Win Fido SubAdvisor Deals
4/12/2007 Amvescap to Bring Back Something Old
4/12/2007 Putnam Goes East with New Funds
4/11/2007 Transamerica IDEX Takes New Sales Direction
4/11/2007 Transamerica Hires National Sales Manager
4/11/2007 Lifecycle Funds May Have Other Uses
4/11/2007 Funds Bring In The Brawlers on Proxies
4/11/2007 BGI Crosses the Buoy ... Late
4/11/2007 Templeton, Henderson Deepen Ivy Roots
4/10/2007 Former Aeltus Manger In Hot Water With the SEC
4/10/2007 Scottish Firm Draws US Funds' Interest
4/10/2007 Mutual Fund Store Makes Bold Hire
4/10/2007 Vanguard Alum Joins Barclays
4/10/2007 Putnam Scouting for New Headquarters
4/10/2007 Four New Fixed Income ETFs Hit the Market
4/9/2007 JPMorgan Ups Its Ante in Beantown
4/9/2007 Think Tanks: Let Competition Set Fund Expense Ratios
4/9/2007 Mighty Focused Funds Win Quarter
4/9/2007 PIMCO Hires Portfolio Management Wiz
4/9/2007 Doll and Muhlenkamp Get Play
4/9/2007 Seven Years of Bad Luck for Some Funds
4/9/2007 Hulbert Takes a Shot at Fund Herds
4/9/2007 NY Times Calls David Tice King of the Bears
4/9/2007 NY Times Takes a Seat on the Indy Chair Rule
4/9/2007 Janus Knows the Long and Short of It
4/9/2007 M&I, Metavante Split is a DC Non-Event
4/9/2007 Rydex' Sale: Will the Best Man Win?
4/6/2007 Open-Enders! Rub that Sand from Your Eyes.
4/6/2007 TIAA-CREF Looks for Distribution Analyst
4/5/2007 TIAA-CREF Makes Fee Change
4/5/2007 Promotions Pick-up at PIMCO
4/5/2007 Performance Fees Proliferate
4/5/2007 Janus Ups Intech Stake
4/5/2007 Thornburg to Get City Backing
4/4/2007 A New Way for Funds to Stand Out
4/4/2007 Securian Goes Beyond Passive Investments
4/4/2007 JennisonDryden Latest to Make 401k I-O Push
4/4/2007 US Trust CEO Will Leave BofA
4/4/2007 TIAA-CREF Wins a Vote and May Save Millions
4/3/2007 Is Manulife Shopping for a US Acquisition?
4/3/2007 Who Says Fund Web Sites are Average?
4/3/2007 Pioneer's High-Yield Fund Changes Hands
4/3/2007 Taking the Cautious Boat to China
4/3/2007 Jeremy DeGroot Tells His Secrets
4/3/2007 Frustrated WSJ Reporters Learn to Be Sly
4/3/2007 Good Press While Doom and Gloom Looms
4/3/2007 Tax Efficient Funds Get a Plug
4/3/2007 WSJ Goes Grave Dancing
4/3/2007 Fund Execs Receive Unwelcome Letters
4/3/2007 SEC Says "No" to Document Request
4/2/2007 Ryding to Auction?
4/2/2007 Days Go By
4/2/2007 Broadridge Goes Public
4/2/2007 Seeing Green
4/2/2007 Bates Takes the Socially Responsible Reigns at Legg
4/2/2007 Load It Up
4/2/2007 De Vanishing
4/2/2007 WSJ Fund Track Sidetracked by SubPrimes (Again)

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