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Stories Published Between 7/1/2009 And 10/1/2009
9/30/2009 Post-Columbia: Ameriprise Keeps its A as Lewis Leaves BofA
9/30/2009 PowerShares Hunts Globally for Private Equity
9/30/2009 Cullen Prepares Its Third In-House Mutual Fund
9/30/2009 Natixis Managers Woo Reporters
9/30/2009 Bond Funds Still Dominate Flows Even as Markets Rally
9/30/2009 Four More Active ETFs Hit the Market
9/30/2009 How Has Fund Distribution Changed?
9/30/2009 BofA Finally Sells Columbia
9/29/2009 The Price is Not Yet Right for a Paine Webber Sale, Says UBS' Grubel
9/29/2009 Morgan Keegan Pays Another $25K in Arbitration
9/29/2009 Two New Dreyfus Funds Explore Other Funds
9/29/2009 Fundsters Head Back to the Drawing Board
9/29/2009 JPMorgan Taps a New Asset Management Chief
9/29/2009 The Street Smiles on Public Fund Firms
9/28/2009 Schroders is Hiring on the West Coast
9/28/2009 Touchstone Preps to Launch 10 Funds
9/28/2009 U.S. Global Rolls Out New Web Site
9/28/2009 Will the Aluminum Standard Power an ETF?
9/28/2009 At Three Boston Fund Firms, Analysts Wield Power
9/28/2009 PowerShares Stashes ETFs Inside New Closed-End Funds
9/28/2009 Vanguard Preps an iPhone App
9/25/2009 Old Mutual Unifies Distribution Under One Chief
9/25/2009 Three New iShares ETFs Will Track Russell Top 200 Indexes
9/25/2009 Sallie and Sue are New York Power Brokers
9/25/2009 Artio's IPO Yields $650 Million
9/25/2009 Which Fidelity Funds Does Ned Johnson Own?
9/25/2009 Calamos Jettisons a Fund After Poor Performance
9/25/2009 Longleaf International Makes a Big Fee Cut
9/25/2009 An SEC Commish Defends Harris
And Blasts Money Fund Proposals
9/24/2009 T. Rowe Feeds Twitter
9/24/2009 BlackRock Will Stay BlackRock
9/24/2009 The Latest SPDR Invests in Munis
9/24/2009 Abby Johnson Lands Near the Top of a New List
9/24/2009 Are Fund Investors TIPSy With Inflation Fears?
9/24/2009 Will the Fed Enlist Money Funds in a Preemptive Fight Against Inflation?
9/24/2009 Reserve Primary Payouts Accelerate
9/23/2009 Fidelity Thinks the World Is Looking Up
9/23/2009 Hancock Hits the Road
9/23/2009 Asset Managers, Turn to the Independents
9/23/2009 BlackRock Clears Another BGI Hurdle
9/23/2009 Northern Trust Unleashes a Bold New Fund
9/23/2009 Deloitte Sees More Market Share Gains for ETFs
9/23/2009 Artio Preps IPO Pricing
9/23/2009 Vanguard Adopts New Indices for Bond Funds
9/23/2009 Burned Shareholders Fail to Return as Performance Turns Around
9/22/2009 Schwab Hires an ETF Vet
9/22/2009 ALPS Debuts Lucky Number Three ETF
9/22/2009 Money Market Outflows Slow as the Treasury Program Ends
9/22/2009 IndexIQ Hires Deutsche Vet
9/22/2009 How Could ETFs Overtake Mutual Funds?
9/22/2009 Two Vanguard Funds Swallow Some Institutional Brethren
9/22/2009 Report IDs Janus CEO Recruiter
9/22/2009 Reserve "Not a Ponzi Scheme," Says Galvin
9/22/2009 SEC Extends Money Fund Disclosure Regs
9/22/2009 Franklin Sues Beazer
9/22/2009 Putnam Extends Absolute Returns to Target-Date Funds
9/22/2009 Jonas Takes Board Seat
9/21/2009 Merk Nabs a Marketing Pro
9/21/2009 Stock Strategist Says BlackRock-BGI Deal Ups the M&A Ante
9/21/2009 Are U.S. Funds Actually Inexpensive?
9/21/2009 Muni Funds Raking in Assets
9/21/2009 EPFR Data Shows Bond Flows Driving Flows
9/18/2009 Could Your Wholesalers Earn a Gold Nugget?
9/18/2009 More Parties Lambast Money Fund Regs From Different Angles
9/18/2009 Investors Say Bonjuor, Hola and Guten Tag to ETFs
9/18/2009 Leuthold Exhibits Latest Fund Pair
9/18/2009 Fink Attacks Obama's Making Home Affordable Plan
9/18/2009 After Sealing Another Deal, Hennessy's Wallet Remains Open
9/18/2009 Columbia Gives Moore Duties to a C-Level Exec
9/18/2009 Cohen & Steers Pulls Two Legg Mason Execs
9/18/2009 GunnAllen Pointes to a Two-B-D Model, Post-Deal
9/18/2009 Treasury Pockets $1.2 Billion From Money Funds
9/18/2009 Money Fund Shareholders Flock to Treasuries
9/18/2009 Fetting Hunts For Deals for Legg Mason
9/18/2009 GMO Reverts to Meeting Redemptions with Cash
9/18/2009 Fogle Takes a Leave of Absence from American Century
9/17/2009 Sun Life Lures a Top Columbia Manager
9/17/2009 AllianceBernstein Consolidates Retail Under a New Chief
9/17/2009 BlackRock's Fink Attacks Trading Fees
9/17/2009 SSgA Spins a New SPDR
9/17/2009 Is a Canadian Fund Feud a Sign of Things to Come?
9/17/2009 Hancock's Parent Acquires a Fund Firm Up North
9/17/2009 Long-Terms Funds Continue Their Winning Streak
9/17/2009 Citi's Chief Expects to Kiss Smith Barney Goodbye
9/17/2009 The Expiration of the Money Fund Guarantee Looms
9/16/2009 James Investment Research Plugs In To Both Sides of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
9/16/2009 Invesco Aims an ETF at Build America Bonds
9/16/2009 Hancock Promotes a Fund Product Manager to the C-Level
9/16/2009 AdvisorShares Makes a Dent in the Active ETF Space
9/16/2009 Emerging Global Advisors Launches Another Titanic Fund
9/16/2009 Pimco and ProFunds Top FUSE's Lists of the Fastest Growing Fund Firms
9/16/2009 Wirehouses Take a Hit, but Still Wield Influence
9/16/2009 Gabelli Remains Cautious When Picking Stocks
9/16/2009 Two Wirehouses Fight Over McCann
9/16/2009 Invesco's Flanagan Sees Money Fund Consolidation
9/15/2009 Mutual Fund Distribution Reshapes Post-Lehman
9/15/2009 Fund Democracy's President Chairs an SEC Subcommittee
9/15/2009 One Year After Lehman, Fund Flows Are on the Rise
9/15/2009 RIAs and Wirehouse Reps Express the Most Comfort With ETFs
9/15/2009 S&P Updates Fund Analysis Product
9/15/2009 Some New ETFs Are As Good As Gold
9/15/2009 Reynolds Expands Putnam's World
9/15/2009 Morgan Keegan Will Shell Out $1.46 Million to a Bull
9/14/2009 Akre Ties in to Four Platforms
9/14/2009 What Does Gorman's Ascension Mean for Fundsters?
9/14/2009 Forward Grows With Another Alternative Fund
9/14/2009 The Collapse of Reserve Primary: a Detailed Timeline of the Financial System's 'Ice-Nine'
9/14/2009 IndexIQ Turns a Sales Exec Out West
9/14/2009 U.S. Natural Gas Fund Will Finally Re-Open, But With Restrictions
9/14/2009 G-20 and Federated Investors Don't Mix
9/14/2009 Value Line Offers to Shell Out $48 Million and Switch Chiefs
9/14/2009 Fund Track Goes High-Tech
9/14/2009 Fido Receives $5 Million in Ocean State Tax Breaks
9/14/2009 Investors Want Out of Another Reserve Fund
9/11/2009 Fundsters Gather a Year after Lehman's Collapse
9/11/2009 A Neuberger Fund Manager Demands $12 Million from Lehman
9/11/2009 Cieszko Finds a New Distribution Chief Within Fidelity
9/11/2009 JPMorgan Bids Adieu to B Shares
9/11/2009 Disney and Friends Attack Money Fund Proposal
9/11/2009 Abby Johnson's Power Holds Steady
9/11/2009 A Small-Cap Fund is Set to Disappear into the Harbor
9/11/2009 U.S. Global Experiences a See-Sawing Year
9/10/2009 The Money Fund Guarantee Will Be Gone for Good Next Week
9/10/2009 Mutual Fund Tax Reform Returns to the Table, Again
9/10/2009 Old Mutual Helps the Financial Press 'Look Ahead'
9/10/2009 Putnam Says its Web Site is Drawing More Eyeballs
9/10/2009 Hartford Moves to Bolster Distribution
9/10/2009 Morningstar Rails Against 'Lousy' Target-Date Fund Disclosure
9/10/2009 Assets in Exchange-Traded Products Reach a Record High
9/9/2009 Tacoma or Seattle? Russell Finally Makes its Choice
9/9/2009 Principal Moves Forward with a Sales Hire
9/9/2009 Hennessy Sees a Change in the Way His Bonus is Computed
9/9/2009 Broadridge and NewRiver Offer a Summary Prospectus Solution
9/9/2009 ICI Urges the SEC to Sink the Floating NAV Proposal
9/9/2009 Artio Inches Closer to Public Life
9/9/2009 Merk Unveils an Absolute Return Currency Fund
9/9/2009 Gross and Co Reach for a Piece of Retirement Income
9/9/2009 A London ETF Provider Smells a Golden Opportunity in the U.S.
9/8/2009 Wasatch Makes the Pitch for Long/Short Mutual Funds
9/8/2009 Akre Aims to Add Analysts
9/8/2009 Gabelli Taps an Assistant for a $2 Billion Fund
9/8/2009 Eaton Vance Builds on the Stimulus
9/8/2009 WSJ Has the Skinny on Fat-Tailed Distributions
9/8/2009 Value Hunter Jason Ronovech Provides a Window into His Paradigm
9/5/2009 AIG Crosses the Bridge to a $500 Million Deal
9/4/2009 Another Group Backs Harris With a Brief to the Supreme Court
9/4/2009 Westwood Prepares to Swallow a $52 Million Fund
9/4/2009 Gross Tackles Zen and the Art of Golfing ... and Investing
9/4/2009 Virtus Secures $30 Million
9/4/2009 Two Asset Managers are Set to Become One
9/4/2009 Jefferies Preps Its Own ETFs
9/4/2009 The ICI Rallies to Defend Harris and Fund Fees
9/4/2009 Fidelity Brings a Small-Cap Fund to a Bigger Audience
9/4/2009 Pimco, Goldman Sachs Drop B Shares
9/3/2009 Zweig Shareholders Reconsider Prying Open a Closed-Ender
9/3/2009 A Piece of Rydex Officially Leaves the Security Benefit Fold
9/3/2009 Sanders Charts a New Course Post-AllianceBernstein
9/3/2009 Hancock Has an ETF Itch
9/3/2009 Grantham to Step Down as GMO's Chairman
9/3/2009 OOK Readies a Pair of ETFs
9/3/2009 DWS Preps a Variable NAV Money Fund
9/2/2009 Cieszko Lures a Fellow Evergreen Alum to Fidelity
9/2/2009 Glavin Adds a Pair of C-Level Execs at OppFunds
9/2/2009 DTCC Taps a New Tech Chief
9/2/2009 ALPS Makes its First Trip to the Adoption Center
9/2/2009 The WSJ Plugs For Some ETFs and Funds While Rethinking Stocks
9/2/2009 Deutsche Bank Plans to Shutter an Oil ETN
9/2/2009 Will Van Kampen Follow in MLIM's Footsteps?
9/1/2009 A High-Level Fidelity Exec Relinquishes His Post
9/1/2009 Ameriprise Preps to Buy Columbia
9/1/2009 A Los Angeles Fund Firm Scotches Talk of Private Equity Suitors
9/1/2009 Hartford Reopens Another Long-Closed Fund
9/1/2009 As Others Shrink their Fund Lineups, One Fund Firm More than Doubles its Own
9/1/2009 396 Funds Vanished from the Universe So Far This Year
9/1/2009 JPMorgan Passes $1 Billion in an 11-Month-Old Fund
9/1/2009 Exec Goes from Goldman to Harvard and Back
9/1/2009 Federated Completes the Final Touches on its Latest Deal
9/1/2009 Party May Be Over For Small-Cap Funds
8/31/2009 Aston Funds are the Prize as BerkCap Honchos Brawl with an Activist Investor
8/31/2009 Fidelity Makes a Smart Move
8/31/2009 Akre Eyes Distribution Deals for His New Fund
8/31/2009 Fidelity's Money Fund Biz Gets the Star Treatment
8/31/2009 Stowers Lands on Big-Time Donor List
8/31/2009 Whitman Throws His Hat into the Fixed-Income Mutual Fund Ring
8/28/2009 JPMorgan's Value-Add Program is a Hit with Advisors
8/28/2009 Scout Lures an Ex-Thornburg Exec
8/28/2009 A Top Distribution Exec is Leaving Janus
8/28/2009 Lipper Acquires a Mutual Fund Tracker
8/28/2009 Fido Says the SEC's Money Fund Proposal Will Lead to a Bigger-Than-Estimated Yield Reduction
8/27/2009 AMG Could Do Three More Deals By Yearend, Say Stock Analysts
8/27/2009 Turner Hires Seven Wholesalers
8/27/2009 Vanguard Pulls Even in One Horse Race, But Stays Behind in Another
8/27/2009 Many Investors Failed to Readjust their Portfolios During the Market Slump
8/27/2009 Judge Rolls a Dozen Reserve Primary Suits into One
8/26/2009 JPMorgan Names a Replacement for a Bond-Picking Duo
8/26/2009 The BGI Sale Single-Handedly Kept Fund M&A Alive in the First Half of 2009
8/26/2009 Fido Says its Bond Fund Assets are Up Nearly 17 Percent in the First Half
8/26/2009 Turner is Expanding its Sales Team
8/26/2009 Morgan Stanley Seeks a Stake If Invesco Bites
8/26/2009 Fidelity & Vanguard to SEC: Keep Money Fund NAVs Anchored!
8/26/2009 Reserve Primary May Only be a Penny Short
8/26/2009 Fees in Zombie ETFs Bite Investors
8/25/2009 DWS Bids Auf Wiedersehen to Hensler
8/25/2009 A New Hancock Fund Lures $1 Million a Day
8/25/2009 Hartford is On Fund Track to $100 Billion
8/25/2009 Marketing Pays Off For Vanguard
8/25/2009 Fidelity Went Against Google
8/25/2009 Schwab v. Cuomo, Round Two
8/24/2009 JennisonDryden is Hiring Wholesalers
8/24/2009 Kasina Puts Numbers on Sales People's Falling Comp
8/24/2009 Turner Expands its Private Client Group
8/24/2009 MFS CEO Seeks Organic Growth
8/24/2009 Harvard Management to Cut Mandates
8/24/2009 The "Dow" is on the Block
8/24/2009 Goldman "Trading Huddle" Benefited Janus Shares
8/24/2009 FundQuest (and the WSJ) Give Some Active Funds a Boost
8/22/2009 Prospective Buyers Camp Out at a Chicago-Area Fund Firm
8/21/2009 The Most Influential People in Fund Distribution
8/21/2009 Two Fund Managers Part Ways with JPMorgan
8/21/2009 Two More Law Firms Target Leveraged ETFs
8/21/2009 Fund Track Sends Mutual Shares a Birthday Greeting
8/21/2009 Do SRI and Funds Mix? Asks Forbes
8/20/2009 ProShares' Latest ETF Helps Investors Short Treasuries
8/20/2009 Pioneer Hires an Ex-DWS Exec
8/20/2009 Does a New Online Service Take the 401k Cake?
8/20/2009 Two SEI Funds are Headed for Liquidation
8/20/2009 SEI Shakes Up its Subadvisor Roster
8/19/2009 Mixed Headlines Leave Fido Watchers Scratching Their Heads
8/19/2009 Delaware's Pricing May Reflect a "Crunch" Discount
8/19/2009 Eaton Vance Posts a 37 Percent Drop in Q3 Earnings
8/19/2009 Is Stable Value Stabilizing?
8/19/2009 Reserve Moves to Get SEC Case Tossed
8/19/2009 Macquarie Steals Delaware
8/18/2009 Finra and the SEC Hang a 'Use With Extreme Caution' Sign on Leveraged ETFs
8/18/2009 Two Mutual Fund Attorneys Take a Chance On Dechert
8/18/2009 A New Entrant to the '40 Act Scene Cooks Up a Web Site
8/18/2009 Hancock Lines Up Another Adoption Deal
8/18/2009 A Marketing VP Moves on from Ariel
8/18/2009 Fidelity Target-Date Shareholders Vote Down Sudan Divestment
8/18/2009 Columbia Funds Founder Dies
8/18/2009 Ariel, RS, Appleseed All Draw the WSJ's Focus
8/17/2009 Bent Raises a New Rock Out of Reserve's Ashes
8/17/2009 Hartford Preps a Strategic Marketing Push for its Fund Arm
8/17/2009 Alger Makes a Pair of Wholesaler Hires
8/17/2009 Russell Plans to End the Tacoma-Seattle Suspense Next Month
8/17/2009 How Might the Supreme Court Rule in the Oakmark Fee Suit?
8/17/2009 A Longtime Portfolio Manager Turns Over a New Leaf
8/17/2009 WSJ Spotlights a Value Manager
8/17/2009 Calamos Switches Accountants
8/14/2009 Van Eck Rolls Out Vietnam ETF
8/14/2009 Pimco Adds a Harvard Management Vet
8/14/2009 Vanguard Money Manager Gains New Roles
8/14/2009 FBR Moves to Fill Akre's Void
8/14/2009 Fido Voters Cry Foul Over Genocide Vote
8/14/2009 Vanguard Restricts Three Funds To Those With 'Significant Assets'
8/14/2009 $23 Million Lands Gross in Newport Beach
8/14/2009 Did Pimco TIPS its Active ETF Hand?
8/14/2009 Virtus Reports a Shrinking Loss
8/14/2009 Transamerica Makes a Bevy of Sub-Advisor Switches
8/14/2009 US Natural Gas May Go Offshore
8/13/2009 Beyond California Dreamin': A Mutual Fund Newbie Eyes Broader Distribution
8/13/2009 Two Industry Players Make a 'Fastest Growing' List
8/13/2009 Fido Raises its Profile in Boston Classrooms
8/13/2009 SEC Nod Isn't Enough To Relight the Natural Gas Fund
8/13/2009 WSJ Looks at How Three Funds Escaped Catastrophe
8/13/2009 Smead Plans an Advisor Share Class for its Value Fund
8/12/2009 A Senior Exec Follows Black Out Janus' Door
8/12/2009 Ivy Funds Reorgs its Sales Team
8/12/2009 ING's Fund Assets Rise Slightly
8/12/2009 Vanguard Preps Targeted Bond Funds
8/12/2009 Pimco Looks to Add Managers, Expand its Offerings
8/12/2009 Another Class Action Firm Sues Over the Same ProShares ETF
8/12/2009 BNY Mellon Gains Insight
8/12/2009 Am Century, Fido, OppFunds and T. Rowe Get Props for their Websites
8/11/2009 Fidelity's Cieszko is on the Hunt to fill a Distribution Post
8/11/2009 Vanguard Moves Forward with a Money Market Merger
8/11/2009 FRC Rebuilds its Ranks
8/11/2009 A California Fund Firm Does its Fourth Deal in 13 Months
8/11/2009 Highbury Buys the Remainder of Aston
8/11/2009 Ex-American Century Chief Lines Up Another Board Gig
8/11/2009 Global ETF Assets are Up 11 Percent in the First Half
8/11/2009 Bond ETFs Grab Assets So Far in '09
8/11/2009 State Street's Legal Reserve May Not Suffice, Execs Say
8/10/2009 Janus? Calamos? Pzena? Which May Get Hitched Next?
8/10/2009 Larry Zicklin Returns to Neuberger's Boardroom
8/10/2009 A New Front-Runner Emerges in the AIG Bidding War
8/10/2009 A Class Action Firm Aims Two More 12b-1 Fee Suits at Capital Group
8/10/2009 Schwab Hires a Wellington Alum
8/10/2009 US Fund Firms Harbor European Ambitions
8/10/2009 Bonds are a Hot Spot for Allianz
8/7/2009 Thornburg Drops a Trio of B Shares
8/7/2009 MSSB Makes a Decision on Leveraged ETFs
8/7/2009 Buffalo Aims to Clear Up Confusion with a Rebranding
8/7/2009 MutualDecision's Rating System Forecasts Funds
8/7/2009 Barclays Shareholders OK the BlackRock Deal
8/7/2009 Janus Reveals Armour's Stock Grant Size
8/7/2009 Fido Buys a Frankfurter
8/7/2009 First Leveraged Fund Suit Targets ProShares
8/6/2009 A Boston Fund Firm is Hiring Up to 100 Workers
8/6/2009 Putnam's Pre-Reynolds Restructuring is Two-Thirds Complete
8/6/2009 Changes are Afoot at ClearBridge
8/6/2009 A Class Action Firms Looks at Eight B-Ds Over Leveraged ETFs
8/6/2009 Hennessy's Earnings Rise to Zero
8/6/2009 Keith Banks to Stick With Columbia Through the 'Transition'
8/6/2009 MFS Sees Inflows During Q2
8/6/2009 Pru's Asset Management Income Falls
8/6/2009 Small Fund Shops Shut Out the Big Boys
8/5/2009 Akre Packs Up to Launch His Own Fund
8/5/2009 Mansueto Flips Through the Pages of BusinessWeek
8/5/2009 The Firsthand Funds Drama Takes Another Twist
8/5/2009 Morningstar Goes to India
8/5/2009 BNY Mellon Inches Closer to a Deal Across the Pond
8/4/2009 JPMorgan Plans to Expand its Wholesaler Ranks
8/4/2009 Fidelity Hunts for a Web Distribution Head
8/4/2009 An Asset Management I-Banker Joins Lovell Minnick
8/4/2009 The Sale of an AIG Unit Comes Into View
8/4/2009 Principal's Asset Management Revenues Dip
8/4/2009 Fidelity Stops Short of Restricting Leveraged ETFs
8/3/2009 Krawcheck May be Next in Line at BofA
8/3/2009 HighMark is Hiring
8/3/2009 Huntington Unveils a Trio of Fund-of-Funds
8/3/2009 Natixis Serves Up Another Hedge-Like Mutual Fund
8/3/2009 ETF Maker Preps its CFTC Testimony
8/3/2009 WSJ Sees Janus Funds Rebound Strongly
8/3/2009 In the Leveraged ETF Probe, Galvin's Gaze Now Turns to Four B-Ds
8/3/2009 Reynolds' New Course May be Working
8/1/2009 Touchstone Ends its Hunt for a New Fund Chief
7/31/2009 Esposito Plots His Post-Aberdeen Plans
7/31/2009 Invesco Aim Brings Out the Moonwalkers
7/31/2009 An ETF Provider Changes Hands
7/31/2009 Nationwide's Distribution Chief Moves On
7/31/2009 WisdomTree Narrows its Q2 Loss
7/31/2009 Morningstar Earnings Take a Hit in Q2
7/31/2009 LPL Singles Out Direxion Again, With Less Effect
7/31/2009 Franklin Continues to Sniff for Deals
7/31/2009 The ETF Gold Rush Shows Signs of Slowing
7/31/2009 AllianceBernstein's Q2 Net Tumbles by Half
7/31/2009 Expense Ratio Hike at Vanguard Wellington is the First Since at Least 1975
7/30/2009 Franklin's Q3 Net is Down 26 Percent
7/30/2009 Browne Leaves Tweedy
7/30/2009 Strategic Insight Sells
7/30/2009 The Hartford's Q2 Fund Deposits Drop By A Billion Year-Over-Year
7/30/2009 12b-1 Fees Land American Funds in Trial
7/30/2009 Will Artio Finally Go Public This Year?
7/30/2009 Schwab Hangs a 'Proceed With Extreme Caution' Tag on Leveraged ETFs
7/29/2009 An Ex-ING Ops Exec Steps Forward
7/29/2009 Gross Says High Fees Buy Hope, Not Performance
7/29/2009 Fido Seals Another IPO Deal
7/29/2009 Calamos is the Latest to Banish B Shares
7/29/2009 Invesco Aims a New Share Class at a Specific Niche
7/29/2009 Once on Hold, an AMG Deal is Now a Go
7/29/2009 Kennedy Says He's Open-Minded Toward ETFs
7/29/2009 Calamos Still Swims Even As its Revenues Take a Dive
7/29/2009 Fidelity Secures a Contract Renewal in its Home State
7/28/2009 Two Wirehouses Place Leveraged ETFs Under Review
7/28/2009 Fund Ownership Majority Could Shift to Institutional, Cerulli Suggests
7/28/2009 Waddell & Reed Sees Earnings Drop 34 Percent
7/28/2009 An Ex-Seligman Data Employee Launches Mayoral Bid
7/28/2009 Putnam Plots Fee Cuts
7/28/2009 Emerging Global Launches its Third Sector-Based ETF
7/27/2009 UBS Delivers the Latest Blow to Leveraged ETFs
7/27/2009 Schumer to Schapiro: Ban Flash Trading
7/27/2009 Invesco's Q2 Profit Drop is Smaller Than Expected
7/27/2009 Aberdeen is 'Definitely Not Pursuing' Delaware, Gilbert Says
7/27/2009 As Columbia's Two-Part Sale Nears, Where's Invesco?
7/27/2009 Legg Mason is an Attractive Target, Say Researchers
7/27/2009 SunAmerica Shakes Up its Fund Lineup
7/27/2009 Bubble Fears Loom Over Emerging-Market Stocks
7/27/2009 Robeco Appoints a New Sales Chief
7/24/2009 Baron's Distribution Chief Hires Two
7/24/2009 BlackRock Brings in an Ex-RiverSource Wholesaler
7/24/2009 Another Batch of AllianceBernstein Funds See Expense Ratios Rise
7/24/2009 LPL Shuts Out Direxion's ETFs
7/24/2009 First Circuit Reconsiders a Market Timing Defeat for Two Columbia Alums
7/24/2009 Miller is Ready to Run with the Bulls
7/24/2009 T. Rowe's Q2 Net Falls 38 Percent
7/24/2009 Federated Sees Earnings Slip 3 Percent in Q2
7/23/2009 Neuberger Berman Buys a Piece of Lehman
7/23/2009 Old Mutual Plans to Cut Sales Staff and Shrink its Fund Lineup
7/23/2009 Advisers Expect to Cut Back Their Clients' Mutual Fund Holdings
7/23/2009 Neuberger Co-Founder Turns 106
7/23/2009 A Green Century Fund Reveals its Carbon Footprint
7/23/2009 Cohen & Steers Posts a Q2 Loss
7/22/2009 Fidelity Installs a New HR Head
7/22/2009 Three Leveraged ETFs Have 'Atypical' Presence Among Retail Investors, a Study Finds
7/22/2009 MFS Goes on a $50 Million Hiring Spree
7/22/2009 Gaffney Lures a Nuveen Exec to Allianz
7/22/2009 Pimco Files for Active ETFs
7/21/2009 T. Rowe Hunts for a New Third-Party Distribution Head
7/21/2009 An Online Broker Opens its Doors To Third Party Funds
7/21/2009 Hartford Slims Down Again
7/21/2009 Haldeman's Freddie Move is Official
7/21/2009 Huntington Shifts Administrative Duties
7/21/2009 A Pioneer PM is Off to Join the Obama Team
7/21/2009 USGI Moves its Seat of Power to the Alamodome for a Day
7/21/2009 The SEC Mulls Changes in Broker-Sold Funds
7/21/2009 SSgA Turns Assets and Revenues Around
7/21/2009 BlackRock's Net Surges
7/20/2009 Legg Mason Posts Gains, But Fund Revenues Fall Slightly
7/20/2009 Firm Looks Forward With Latest Appointment
7/20/2009 North Track Re-Org Proceeded With The Aid of a Consultant
7/20/2009 Direxion's Latest Bear/Bull Pair Lands
7/20/2009 Schwab Reveals the Details of Nine Upcoming ETFs
7/20/2009 The Hits Keep Coming For Natural Gas Fund
7/20/2009 Demand for Passive 401ks Grows ... Albeit from a Small Base
7/20/2009 A Harvard Prof Recommends Congress Change How Fund Shareholders are Taxed
7/20/2009 Pimco Makes Hay with the Fed's C-P Program
7/17/2009 Waddell Sells a Southern Unit
7/17/2009 Schwab Shells Out Almost $200K Over a Fallen Fund
7/17/2009 Marty Whitman Gets a Co-Manager for Third Avenue Value
7/17/2009 E-mails May Cause Difficulties for Harris in Fee Case, Says WSJ
7/17/2009 Columbia Sale May Complete 'In Days'
7/16/2009 Schwab Ends Q2 with AUM of $226.6 Billion
7/16/2009 Lack of Shareholder Votes Holds Up a Fund Deal's Close
7/16/2009 An Alternatives Manager Anoints a Risk Manager for its Two New Funds
7/16/2009 Schwab's YieldPlus Fund Lands Back in Court
7/16/2009 Janus Sets a Price for its Stock Offering
7/16/2009 Three Leveraged ETF Providers are in Galvin's Sights
7/16/2009 WSJ Notes the Impact of a Popular ETF on Gas Prices
7/16/2009 Legg Mason Wants to Swap Equity Units for Stock
7/16/2009 Small Cap Managers May Sit Tight in Q3 and Q4
7/15/2009 SRI Proposals Don't Hold With Fidelity Investors
7/15/2009 Morgan Keegan Finds a Wells Notice on its Doorstep
7/15/2009 Has Janus Found its White Knight in Shining Armour?
7/15/2009 Franklin Walks from AIG Deal Talks
7/15/2009 BlackRock's Fed Paycheck to Top $42 Million
7/14/2009 Janus' Interim Boss: We Will Win Alongside ETFs
7/14/2009 Black Packs, Janus Puts on its Armour
7/14/2009 Schooner Casts its Net into the Wholesaler Pool
7/14/2009 ING Axes Four Funds
7/14/2009 Inflows for Q2 are the Highest Since Early 2007, Says SI
7/14/2009 130/30 Mania Reaches ETFs
7/14/2009 A Trio of New Funds Gather Momentum in the Press
7/13/2009 Schwab Grows its Laudus Roster with a UBS Fund
7/13/2009 Dreyfus Moves to Consolidate Fund Boards
7/13/2009 Allianz Shuts a Small-Cap Fund to Most Investors
7/13/2009 Schwab Execs Say They are Snatching Business from Fidelity and Vanguard
7/13/2009 State Street Returns More TARP Money
7/13/2009 Fund Managers Need a Clear Advantage and Defined Business, Says BCG
7/10/2009 Dreyfus Taps a Texas Wholesaler
7/10/2009 Old Mutual Drops Turner from its Large Cap Growth Fund
7/10/2009 Russell Gears Up for its ETF Debut
7/10/2009 AQR Puts Momentum Theory into Practice with Three New Funds
7/10/2009 Pondering Lawson's Future at Fido Remains a Headline Grabber
7/9/2009 $4.6 Billion of Neuberger Assets Land a New Home
7/9/2009 MainStay Signs Adoption Papers for a $750 Million Fund Family
7/9/2009 No Surprise: A New Survey Shows That American Funds' Brand is an FA Favorite
7/9/2009 An Alternatives Manager Buys a Fund Firm
7/9/2009 Pimco's About-Face Raises Eyebrows
7/9/2009 Vanguard Wellington Becomes an Octogenarian
7/9/2009 ALPS Unveils its Second ETF
7/9/2009 Janus Revamps a Website and Combines Two Trusts
7/9/2009 SEC's First Top Compliance Inspector Departs For 'New Challenges'
7/8/2009 Putnam Plays Up PM Changes Today
7/8/2009 DST Elevates Tritt
7/8/2009 Principal Rebrands and Refocuses a Fund
7/8/2009 Six More Funds Ax B Shares
7/8/2009 BCG Report Portends Survival of the Fittest in Fund Industry
7/8/2009 Fido Banks on a Bold Distribution Move
7/8/2009 Posner Lets a Class Action Against Pimco Stand
7/8/2009 An SRI Fund Manager Slashes Fees
7/8/2009 SEC Inaction Shuts the Valve to a Natural Gas ETF, Again
7/7/2009 Calamos is Hiring in Texas
7/7/2009 Hennion & Walsh Hunts for Wholesalers
7/7/2009 HighMark Taps a TCW Alum to Run its Equities Group
7/7/2009 Franklin's Mutual Series Turns 60
7/7/2009 Wilmington Deems Two Risk Strategies Similar Enough to Become One
7/7/2009 Morgan Stanley Moves On SEC Money Fund Proposals
7/7/2009 Fundsters See High-Yield Bond Fund Returns Dropping to Normal Levels
7/7/2009 Fund Launches are Down By More than Half in '09
7/7/2009 Direxion Slows the Tempo for 17 Funds
7/7/2009 Alger Switches its Branding Tactics
7/7/2009 Fitch and S&P Take Different Paths on Rating Money Funds
7/7/2009 Little Oceanstone Fund Posts a Big Gain
7/6/2009 Fund Firms Put Their Faith In Religious-Based ETF Strategies
7/6/2009 Morningstar Responds To Commodities ETF Growth With a New Subclass
7/6/2009 Rydex/SGI Intros its Newest Alternative Strategy
7/6/2009 Why Did DWS LifeCompass Income Lose Its Way?
7/6/2009 Don't Let Target Date Funds Off the Hook, Writes the WSJ
7/6/2009 Are Risky Funds Too Popular Now?
7/6/2009 Which Funds Benefited Most From the Q2 Rebound?
7/6/2009 Grail Lines Up Five More Active ETFs
7/6/2009 Vanguard Shareholders Nix SRI Proposal
7/6/2009 JPMorgan Analyst Bumps Up His Ratings on Franklin and T. Rowe
7/3/2009 Independence Day
7/2/2009 Leveraged ETFs Worry Finra
7/2/2009 Ivy Gives Henderson the Boot
7/2/2009 Fidelity Reveals Portfolio Manager Changes
7/2/2009 Abby Johnson's Unit is in for a Big Shuffle
7/2/2009 Miller Tops Q2 Report Card
7/2/2009 T. Rowe Plunks Down $13.5 Million in Florida
7/2/2009 Stock Rebound Puts Smiles on International Managers' Faces
7/2/2009 Extended Talks Have Yet to Produce a Deal for AIG's Asset Mangement Biz
7/1/2009 Lord Abbett Changes Four Funds' Names
7/1/2009 Gross Urges Investors To Trim The Fat
7/1/2009 Matthews Taps a New CEO
7/1/2009 Will BofA Get Its Price?
7/1/2009 Haldeman is Reportedly Heading to Freddie
7/1/2009 Legg is Still Cautious at Mid-Year, But Sees Some Bright Spots

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