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Thursday, December 18, 2008 Cox Opens the Door to Schapiro Chris Cox is leaving the door open when he leaves the SEC next month. Cox, whose term was set to expire in June of next year, Thursday morning announced his departure and praised President-Elect Barack Obama's appointment of Mary Schapiro as the new SEC chair (see the full statement below). The big question is whether a Wall Street insider can do better than a politician. Throughout his stint at the SEC, Cox has been criticized for his hands-off approach to the companies he regulates. He took a hit for his seeming inattention to the Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers bailouts and the final blow was the SEC's failure to probe Bernard Madoff. But let's not forget that Madoff Investment Securities is a broker-dealer, which means that Schapiro's FINRA may have dropped the ball as well. Statement from SEC Chairman Christopher Cox Printed from: Copyright 2008, InvestmentWires, Inc. All Rights Reserved |