Fogle Takes a Leave of Absence from American Century
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Friday, September 18, 2009

Fogle Takes a Leave of Absence from American Century

Glenn Fogle, who in April was promoted to a chief investment officer post at American Century, has taken a leave of absence from the Kansas City fund firm, according to his profile on the American Century Web site. Fogle had managed American Century Vista since 1993.

Co-manager Bradley Eixmann now serves as lead manager, Morningstar's Courtney Goethals Dobrow reports. The fund lost 48.7 percent last year and while it is up 18 percent this year, it is behind most of its peers, notes Goethals Dobrow.

Fogle joined American Century in 1990. In April of this year, Fogle was promoted to CIO of U.S. growth equity -- mid and small cap and Greg Woodhams was promoted to CIO of U.S. growth equity -- large cap. Fogle and Woodhams filled the shoes vacated by CIO of U.S. growth equity Steve Lurito, who left the firm.

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