FOLIOfn Exec Hits the Road
   The insiders' edge for 40 Act industry executives!
an InvestmentWires' Publication
Monday, June 3, 2002

FOLIOfn Exec Hits the Road

Ludwig Chincarini, Ph.D., has stepped down from his post as director of research at FOLIOfn. He now holds the title of director of research at Rydex Global Advisors, a spokesperson with Rydex told the

"This is a new position at Rydex," the official reported. "Chincarini will have a great deal of responsibility in helping us develop new products for our customers."

He will report to Michael Byrum, chief investment officer at the firm. At FOLIOfn, he was in charge of the development and management of the folio product.

The also inquired as to whom assumed Chincarini's old duties at FOLIOfn. A FOLIOfn spokesperson replied, "A group of talented employees and executives are responsible for creating, updating and maintaining Folios; our window-tradeable universe of securities; and related issues. This group of employees have expertise in various areas, including brokerage operations, IT, and product development. In addition, we rely on the input of outside consultants with academic expertise in finance and investing. As always, we remain commited to maintaining the high quality of all aspects of our products and services."

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