An NY Fund Shop Hunts for an Acquisition
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an InvestmentWires' Publication
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

An NY Fund Shop Hunts for an Acquisition

AmerIsrael Capital Management LLC, which manages the $1.1 million American Israel Shared Values Capital Appreciation Fund, is on the hunt for an acquisition.

Jamia Jasper
AmerIsrael Capital Management LLC
Jamia Jasper, the firm's founder and president, told The MFWire that she is looking to acquire a faith-based fund or an international stock fund with assets of at least $10 million.

"It has to have at least $10 million in assets for legal costs to make sense," she said.

Jasper started the search in the latter part of last year.

"As the fund's performance developed into a respectable longer-term track record, I realized that I was definitely going to be here for the long-term," Jasper said. "One of my aims now is to grow the asset base and make the fund economically viable and appealing to larger investors such as 401(k) and 403(b) plans interested in a faith-based fund for their employee retirement programs."

Acquiring an existing fund, she said, "makes economic sense."

The American Israeli Shared Values Fund is a no-load fund that invests in stocks of Israeli and American firms with an economic interest in Israel. The fund is on platforms including Schwab, Vanguard, E*Trade, ThinkorSwim, JPMorgan, Ameriprise, Scottrade, OptionsXpress and Zecco.

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