The insiders' edge for 40 Act industry executives!
an InvestmentWires' Publication |
Thursday, October 24, 2002 Vendor Mulls Hiring Access Data is still considering how to replace the open sales slot vacated by Donald E. Doherty, Jr. in June, according to a Sandy Koeppl, senior creative consultant at the firm. Doherty was a regional business development director for the Northeast and recently took a sales position at PFPC. Koeppl explained that two "heavy hitters" who joined the consulting firm recently have taken over his duties and the firm has not yet decided whether to replace Doherty. The two executives -- Stephen Cronin and Lonny McDonald -- are both based in Boston and are well known in the industry. "They are carrying the relationships in the region," she added. McDonald joined the firm from Atlantic Capital. The firm is in the process of introducing its SalesVision tool for the market, including recent stops at the NAVA meeting and this week's ICI Operations meeting in Scottsdale. "It is being very well received," she added. The reporting tool is designed to work with CRM software used by financial services firms to allow executives to answer questions about what is happening to sales on national, regional and other levels. Printed from: Copyright 2002, InvestmentWires, Inc. All Rights Reserved |