Latest Bogle Profile Highlights—What Else—His Simple Tastes
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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Latest Bogle Profile Highlights—What Else—His Simple Tastes

"John C. 'Jack' Bogle, 83, didn't build Vanguard into one of the biggest companies in the world by sitting around eating fancy Spanish octopus."

That's the insight from the latest profile of the Vanguard [profile] founder, this one by Fortune managing editor Andy Serwer. The title is "Jack Bogle: Vanguard's $2.2 Trillion Man," a number that represents both Vanguard's AUM and the number of profiles that have been written about Bogle over the years.

Are you aware that Bogle, despite his wealth and success, has simple tastes? That the conservatism Vanguard espouses applies equally to Bogle's personal philosophy and way of life? That, along with fancy octopus, Bogle eschews limos and town cars for the plebeian New York City taxi?

If you're not, by all means, read Serwer's profile and learn about this "fighter," this "cantankerous iconoclast," the founder of "one of the greatest business success stories of our time." But you've probably heard it all before.

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