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Tuesday, May 7, 2013 A Pimco Emigre Opens a Recruiter's West Coast Office Aiming to tap into the booming demand for talent by West Coast asset managers, mutual fund recruiter MjEAdvisors has opened a California office with a former human resources executive from Pimco. Hugo Ortiz, previously a recruiting manager at Pimco with seven years experience at the firm, opened an office in downtown Long Beach for the recruiter, where he now serves as a managing director. Just six months in, the office is already breaking ground in the asset industry, boasting such clients as Pimco, BlackRock, DoubleLine, Western Asset and OakTree as among its clients. "We've grown a lot in the past two quarters, building relations up and down the West Coast," Ortiz told MFWire. MjEAdvisors was founded in 1992 by Barry Emen, who serves as its president. In addition to the Long Beach office, it has sites in Florham Park, New Jersey and Exchange Place, Jersey City. He described his firm in this way:
Both Emen and Ortiz said there has been a booming demand for product specialists, product development experts, as well as hybrids that combine these specialist functions with other elements, like sales. "There has been a morphing of fund operations, there are a lot more specialist types of roles out there now," Ortiz said. Meanwhile, Emen said that fund companies are also busy snapping up good talent whenever they find it. "People are telling me, 'If you find the right person, we will fit them into our organization,'" Emen said. Printed from: Copyright 2013, InvestmentWires, Inc. All Rights Reserved |