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an InvestmentWires' Publication |
Thursday, June 6, 2013 Rekenthaler Waxes on Junk Bonds John Rekenthaler of Morningstar is continuing his column-a-day pace, with his Wednesday bit of mutual fund goodness asking why investors like junk bonds if they are so afraid of stocks: Yet high-yield bond funds are popular. Cash flows into "junk bond" funds have been consistently positive, running at $10 billion for the trailing 12 months (representing a 4% growth rate on the category's current assets of roughly $250 billion)The column also has a few other new nuggets, including a jab at State Farm for an ad campaign stereotyping Chicagoans. (Yes, deep dish is mentioned.) Check out the original column Printed from: Copyright 2013, InvestmentWires, Inc. All Rights Reserved |