10 GSAMers Pop the Champagne
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an InvestmentWires' Publication
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

10 GSAMers Pop the Champagne

Can you hear the sounds of celebration in Tribeca?

Today New York City-based Goldman Sachs [profile] chairman and CEO Lloyd Blankfein named 78 executives who will become partners on January 1. A company spokeswoman confirms that ten of those partners-to-be hail from Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM), which offers the giant investment bank's mutual funds and other investment products.

The rising partners at GSAM include:

Fadi Abuali, head of GSAM for the Middle East, North Africa and the new markets;

Jennifer Barbetta, chief operating officer for portfolio management at GSAM;

Kane Brenna, head of GSAM's global portfolio solutions (GPS) group;

Gary Chropuvka, head of customized beta strategies in GSAM's quantitative investment strategies team;

Jason Gottlieb, head of the public equity and fixed income investment team for GSAM's alternative investments and manager selections (AIMS) group;

Etsuko Kobayashi, head of distribution for GSAM in Tokyo;

Kyri Loupis, PM and head of the energy and infrastructure team (which entails running the MLP investment platform) for GSAM;

Kristin Olson, head of GSAM's alternative capital markets group;

Nicholas Phillips, head of international third party distribution for GSAM; and

Mark Van Wyk, global of the GSAM fixed income team's government swaps investment strategy.

An 11th partner-to-be, Meena Lakdawala Flynn, hails from outside GSAM but still works within the investment management division. She leads the market solutions group.

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