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Friday, June 12, 2015 Are You a STAR? (Answer Online Now!) Are you and your marketing colleagues outshining the pack? Then it's time to tell the MFEA what makes you stars.
"This year we changed the entry process to move to an all-digital experience," states Kimber Lintz, director of the trade group. "Companies can register at the site, login and submit their entries entirely online by filling out the form and uploading their documentation." For the 2015 awards, there are 44 categories in which your firm can compete, and in each category awards are divided up by total firm AUM: $5 billion or less, more than $5 billion and up to $35 billion, more than $35 billion and up to $100 billion, and more than $100 billion. There are awards across different communications channels (retail, advisor, and retirement), and within each of those there are overall, marketing and promotion, digital and technology, and other categories. Fund shops and "their partners and agencies" can submit entries for the awards. There is also a Community Investment Award for recognizing fund shops for outstanding community service contributions. Winners will be announced and lauded at the annual STAR Awards Celebration on October 15 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, following the MFEA's Marketing Council meeting. Printed from: Copyright 2015, InvestmentWires, Inc. All Rights Reserved |