The insiders' edge for 40 Act industry executives!
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Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Pfeiffer Shares His Vision For MMI "My vision for MMI is for it to be a trusted resource and a first call."
In his introductory remarks at the briefing, Pfeiffer laid out his five key MMI strategic initiatives: member resources, education and training, data, the next generation, and advocacy. The briefing was part MMI refresher for journalists and part research-presentation on "goals-based wealth management," which Pfeiffer described as a "significant secular transition for the industry." In the Q&A, Pfeiffer said that he expects significant investor demand for goals-based on wealth management and that big firms won't be the only ones offering it. "There'll be marketplace solutions that will be utility-accessed," Pfeiffer said. Other speakers at the briefing included: Sean Fullerton, senior research analyst at State Street's center for applied research and Jack Sharry, executive vice president of software specialist LifeYield. Jean Sullivan, managing principal of longtime MMI research ally Dover Financial Research, chimed in via speakerphone. Printed from: Copyright 2015, InvestmentWires, Inc. All Rights Reserved |