Bathon and Co Offer a New Intel Service
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an InvestmentWires' Publication
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Bathon and Co Offer a New Intel Service

Neil Bathon and his team have launched a new intel service, though this time it's not for fundsters.

Last week Bathon, managing partner of Fuse Research Network, unveiled Business Intelligence for Fund Boards. The offering is "designed specifically for independent directors of fund boards," Bathon writes.

The service will provider independent mutual fund directors with information on distribution, fees, industry M&A, marketability. The idea is to provide board members with "an external view of the overall health of the investment firms that serve their funds and their shareholders," the Fuse team writes.

"Today's independent directors seek ongoing education on a broad range of business issues. Existing board service providers have been reluctant to deliver insights and guidances that might initially be seen as controversial," Bathon states.

Needham, Massachusetts-based Fuse, now 12 years old, does consulting and research for fundsters, focusing on business side issues like marketing and distribution (instead of issues like investment selection and monitoring).

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