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Rating:Bob Rodriguez Predicts Another Plunge Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, June 6, 2011

Bob Rodriguez Predicts Another Plunge

News summary by MFWire's editors

Fundsters worried about the national debt or interested in Bob Rodriguez's story may want to take a look at Fortune. Mina Kimes penned a profile piece on the First Pacific Advisors [see profile] CEO and star value mutual fund manager, and in it Rodriguez makes his case for another coming crash.

Robert L. Rodriguez
First Pacific Advisors
Managing Partner, CEO
"I believe that within two to five years we'll have a crisis of equal or greater magnitude of what we just went through," Rodriguez reportedly told Fortune. "And it will emanate from the federal level."

The piece highlights Rodriguez's Los Angeles childhood in an immigrant household (with a father who refused to teach him Spanish), his industry beginnings as an analyst at Transamerica, his isolated home in Lake Tahoe, and of course his stock-picking prowess. (FPA Capital has returned an average of 15 percent per year for more than a quarter century.) 

Edited by: Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

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