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Rating:Hancock's Chief: Multi-Manager Makes the Most Sense in Lifecycle Funds Not Rated 3.3 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hancock's Chief: Multi-Manager Makes the Most Sense in Lifecycle Funds

Reported by Erin Kello

John Hancock's Lifecycle funds are not made of your normal investment fare. They take a multi-manager approach to management choosing the best of the best funds from around the asset management universe to achieve true diversity, according to John Hancock Funds' CEO, Keith Hartstein.

"The multi-manager approach protects investors from the group-think that can occur when you use all propriety funds, " Hartstein told the MFWire. If all the managers in a shop are thinking the same way and the market is thinking another that could be unfortunate for the investors, he explained.

Hancock's Lifecycle funds give investors access to managers chosen by Hancock for being the best at their particular strategy, Hartstein said.

"We use all the best managers in the business, it's a who's who of the asset management business, "Hartstein said of the Lifecycle funds.  

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