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Rating:6. Lee Kranefuss Not Rated 5.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

6. Lee Kranefuss

Reported by InvestmentWires Staff, 

Lee Kranefuss
Vice Chairman, iShares
2009 has been nothing short of dramatic for Lee Kranefuss, who watched the fate of iShares change not once, but twice, in a span of two months earlier this year. Barclays, in an attempt to shore up its balance sheet, first decided to sell the profitable iShares businesss to private equity firm CVC Capital Partners in April, then changed its mind in June, taking BlackRock's offer for all of Barclays Global Investors instead.

Kranefuss transitioned to a new role at iShares in April, from CEO of the ETF juggernaut to vice chairman.

Kranefuss has been with BGI since 1997 after six years on the consulting side with The Boston Consulting Group. 

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