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Monday, December 14, 2009

An Investing Legend Dies

Reported by Armie Margaret Lee

Chris Browne, Tweedy Browne senior advisor and former managing director, died Sunday from a heart attack, according to a notice posted on Tweedy Browne's Web site on Monday. He was in his mid-60s. Browne in July stepped down from his role as managing director of the New York City-based firm.

Chris Browne

"Chris made an immeasurable contribution to our Firm during his 40-year tenure at Tweedy, Browne. We will miss his wit, his charm and loving, warm personality. He will be deeply missed," read the notice penned by Tweedy Browne's four remaining managing directors -- Chris' brother Will Browne, Thomas Shrager, John Spears and Robert Wyckoff, Jr.

When Browne made his announcement in July that he was leaving his managing director post, he pointed to health issues he dealt with over the past two years as a "wake-up call."

"This has been a difficult decision for me, but in the past two years I have had to deal with some personal health issues, and there are other things I want to accomplish with the rest of my life," he said in his July 30 announcement.

Browne joined the company in 1969, and became a partner five years later. He and his brother are the second generation of Brownes to work at the firm. Their father, Howard Browne, was a partner from 1943 to 1980, serving as an investment manager for clients and a broker and market maker for legendary value investors as Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett.

Chris Browne in 2006 authored the book The Little Book of Value Investing.  

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