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Rating:Montgomery Reconsiders Distribution Options Not Rated 3.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, May 24, 2001

Montgomery Reconsiders Distribution Options

Reported by Alfred Wang

Montgomery Funds grabbed Bill Santos out of the Scudder Weisel implosion to take over a new managing director position overseeing distribution.

Santos, the former chief operating officer at Scudder Weisel, is charged with re-examining the no-load fund family's distribution channels and finding synergies between its global research platform and new types of strategic alliances.

"I will be building out a sales team on a trimester approach," the new managing director of mutual fund distribution told the MutualFundWire. "In the first trimester I will be setting up a business plan and doing the economic work; it's in the second and third trimester when I'll be executing that plan."

Scudder Weisel was a jount venture between Scudder Kemper and Thomas Weisel Partners that was scuttled this Spring.

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