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Rating:Four AIM Portfolio Managers to Retire Not Rated 2.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, November 11, 2002

Four AIM Portfolio Managers to Retire

by: Ki Kim

Four senior portfolio managers of AIM Capital Management, a subsidiary of AIM Management Group, are set to retire from the firm. Joel E. Dobberpuhl and A. Dale Griffin will retire December 31, 2002, while Polly A. Ahrendts and David P. Barnard plan to end their tenures the following month, or at the end of January 2003.

Gary T. Crum, the CEO of AIM Capital Management and AIM's Director of Investments, said members of the retiring managers existing management teams will assume their responsibilities.

Ahrendts, who joined AIM in 1985, is the lead portfolio manager of AIM Select Equity Fund. Barnard, a twenty-year AIM veteran, is the co-manager of AIM Global Science and Technology Fund and AIM Summit Fund. He also is involved in the management of AIM New Technology Fund and AIM V.I. New Technology Fund.

Dobberpuhl, who joined the firm twelve years ago, is the lead portfolio manager of AIM Worldwide Spectrum Fund. He is also involved in the management of AIM Premier Equity Fund, AIM Premier Equity II Fund, and AIM V.I. Premier Equity Fund. Griffin, who joined the firm in 1989, is involved in the management of AIM Asia Pacific Growth Fund, AIM International Growth Fund, and AIM V.I. International Growth Fund.

"I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Polly, Dave, Joel and Dale for their valuable and dedicated service to AIM, their funds and, most importantly, to fund shareholders," Crum said. "Each of these individuals has been integral in the evolution of AIM as a premier investment management company."  

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