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Friday, October 5, 2012

Beware the ETF Walking Dead

News summary by MFWire's editors

There are zombies in the land of ETFs, warns Ron Rowland in his column for TheStreet.

These walking dead funds, according to Rowland, "dress up in a fancy Web site costumes with an NYSE-listing mask in an attempt to make them appear healthy, living beings."

However, he wrote, "the sad fact is that more than a fourth of all listed exchange-traded products are probably nonprofitable entities for their sponsors."

Rowland also reports that 16 names joined the ETF Deathwatch for the month, while 25 were able to make it out.

To get the names of these undead funds, as well as the new residents on Deathwatch, read Rowland's column at TheStreet.com

Edited by: HFD

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