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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fink Predicts "a Kinder and Gentler Government"

News summary by MFWire's editors

BlackRock [profile] chief executive Larry Fink says that too many people are negative about U.S. President Barack Obama's interest in business.

"I believe that Obama is getting negative indications from too many people about his interest in business," Fink said during an interview on Bloomberg TV.

The BlackRock CEO, once rumored to be a candidate for the role of Treasury Secretary, also chatted about the confirmation process for government appointees. He said he wasn't afraid of the process, rather this public profile element "is what politics and government is all about."

He went onto to say that going forward after the fiscal cliff, "we will see a kinder and gentler government."

Fink added that Obama has reached out to many CEOs, both individually and in group meetings, to hear what they have to say about improving the economy -- which will be a key benchmark for the president's legacy.

He said that when one looks at the leadership of a company or of a country, the leaders will be judged on performance. And after eight years as president, a key performance indicator for Obama will be his successes with the GDP and jobs.

"I think the president and his administration understands it," Fink said. 

Edited by: Tommy Fernandez

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