A hedge fund shop in Florida is shutting down its first liquid alt mutual fund. Yet the shop is also trimming the fees on its second liquid alt fund.
| Dorothy Weaver Collins Capital Investments, LLC Chairman and Chief Executive Officer | |
Collins Capital Investments filed to liquidate the one-star, multi-manager
Collins Alternative Solutions Fund, effective February 26. Svea Herbst-Bayliss of
Reuters reported on the liquidation.
Meanwhile, a month ago Collins
filed to cut the $7.5-million, single-manager
Collins Long/Short Credit Fund's management fees by 40 basis points (to 135 bps) and the operating expense limit by 50 bps (to 145 bps for institutional shares and 170 bps for A shares), effective February 1.
Ex-Miami Fed chair
Dorothy Weaver co-founded the hedge fund shop in 1995. In the spring of 2012 Collins entered the mutual fund side of the business by launching the Collins Alternative Solutions Fund. Per
Reuters, that fund peaked at $175 million before suffering performance woes. Weaver and Collins'
Steve Mason PMed the fund, which had been subadvised by
Cambridge Strategy,
Clinton Group,
Pinebank Asset Management,
Seven Locks Capital Management, and
Whitebox Advisors.
launched its second mutual fund, the Collins Long/Short Credit Fund, a year ago. That fund is subadvised by one of the other fund's subadvisors, Pinebank, and PMed by Collins' Mason and by Pinebank chief investment officer
Oren Cohen.
As of Collins' most recent ADV,
filed on March 27, 2015, its RIA had about $462 million in discretionary AUM. 
Edited by:
Neil Anderson, Managing Editor
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