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Rating:Stork and Reaper -- June 28, 2016 Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Stork and Reaper -- June 28, 2016

by: Jennifer Goetz

Fund Updates

Russell Implementation Services Inc. ("RIS") is now Russell Investments Implementation Services, LLC ("RIIS") as of June 2.

Class C shares of the following funds, SSGA Enhanced Small Cap Fund, State Street Disciplined emerging markets equity fund, SSGA Clarion Real Estate Fund, SSGA dynamic small cap fund, SSGA High Yield Bond Fund and SSGA International Stock Selection Fund, will be no longer be open to purchases by new shareholders on July 29.

Perspective L Series Contracts will be no longer available to new purchasers after July 11.

After it was closed to new investors, the FMI Large Cap Fund and the FMI Common Stock Fund will re-open to all investors on June 30.

Invesco updates on its money markets.

New Strategies

Absolute Shares Trust has updated their investment strategy to specify what kinds of equity securities the following WBI Tactical Funds will invest in: WBI Tactical SMG Shares (WBIA); WBI Tactical SMV Shares (WBIB); WBI Tactical SMY Shares (WBIC); WBI Tactical SMS Shares (WBID); WBI Tactical LCG Shares (WBIE); WBI Tactical LCV Shares (WBIF); WBI Tactical LCY Shares (WBIG); WBI Tactical LCS Shares (WBIL); WBI Tactical Income Shares (WBII) and WBI Tactical High Income Shares (WBIH).

Management, PM or Subadvisors Updates

Dennis Suvorov will no longer be a PM for Thrivent Partner Worldwide Allocation Portfolio anymore.

JKMilne Asset Management plans to end the sub-advisory agreement and resign as a sub-advisor to the Discretionary Managed Futures Strategy Fund of Northern Lights Fund Trust III. John K. Milne will also resign as Triumph Alternatives, LLC's Chief Investment Officer and as the Discretionary Managed Futures Strategy Fund's PM on July 6.

Rich Investment Solutions, LLC will resign as Subadvisor to the U.S. Equity High Volatility Put Write Index Fund on July 1.

Reorganization of Funds

Schroder Investment Management Inc. has agreed upon proposals to transition two fund series, Schroder Series Trust and Schroder Global Series Trust, to the SEI Advisors' Inner Circle mutual fund platform. This transition is subject to additional conditions, including shareholder consent.

Terminated Funds

The State Street Clarion Global Real Estate Income Fund is set to be terminated and liquidated around August 26.

Around August 29, the SSGA Clarion Real Estate Fund is on the agenda to be liquidated and terminated.

The Nuveen Global Growth Fund has been liquidated.

To learn more about recent SEC filings, check the last Stork and Reaper column here. If you have a fund filing that you would like to point out, or a mutual fund launch or product change that you would like to announce, please contact the MFWire team at editors@investmentwires.com

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