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Rating:Filings for Fundsters - October 19, 2016 Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Filings for Fundsters - October 19, 2016

by: Ashley McHugh-Chiappone


As of October 14, Capital Guardian Trust Company no longer serves as a specialist manager for the International Equity Portfolio and the Institutional International Equity Portfolio, a member of the HC Capital Trust.

As of October 14, Michael Meyer no longer serves as chairman, member of the board of directors and lead independent director of the Bridges Investment Fund. Robert Slezak has replaced Meyer as chairman of the board and lead independent director. Adam Koslosky was elected as vice chairman of the board of directors. Kelly Walters was moved from the fund audit committee to the fund administration and nominating committee.


Share Classes

On October 21, the Federated Mid-Cap Index Fund will offer Class R6 shares.


Portfolio Managers

Adam Kramer has replaced Thomas Soviero as PM of the Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund. Steven Wymer is no longer a co-manager of the Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund. Christopher Lin has replaced Rayna Lesser as a co-manager of Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund.

Steve Wymer
Fidelity Growth Company
Ann Miletti is now a PM of the Small Cap Value Fund, a member of the Valic Company II. Miletti joins Dennis Ruhl and Phillip Hart who are also PMs of the fund.

Michael Plage no longer serves as a PM for the Fidelity Corporate Bond ETF. He has been replaced by Matthew Bartlett, who also is a PM for the Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund, the Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund and the Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund. Celso Munoz and Michael Weaver are now co-PMs of the Fidelity Total Bond ETF.

Christian Stauss and Heather Kidde have replaced Adam Steffanus and Michael Valentinas as co-PMs of the Credit Suisse Global Sustainable Dividend Equity Fund.


New and Upcoming Funds

Energy Income Partners, LLC is launching the EIP Growth and Income Fund.

USCA Asset Management LLC is launching the USCA Shield Fund.


Fund Mergers and Liquidations

On November 4, the TrimTabs Intl Free-Cash-Flow ETF will terminate and liquidate.

On October 31, the RiverNorth Equity Opportunity Fund will terminate and liquidate.


TDAM will no longer serve as a subadvisor for the funds in the DBX ETF Trust.


Check our last Filings For Fundsters column (previously called Stork and Reaper) for more SEC filing updates. For the latest new hires and fund launches, explore our People on the Move and New Fund Fuss columns. If you have a fund filing, a mutual fund launch, a product change or a new hire that you would like to announce, please contact the MFWire team at editors@investmentwires.com. 

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