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Rating:Two Years, $4.88MM In AUM Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Two Years, $4.88MM In AUM

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

An AI-focused, SoftBank-backed startup's team is celebrating the cotton anniversary of its fourth U.S. ETF.

Marcus Hyung-Sik Kim
Qraft Technologies, Inc.
Founder, CEO
On November 28, the Qraft Technologies teams in Hong Kong, New York, and Seoul rang the opening bell at the NYSE in celebration of the two-year anniversary of the Qraft AI-Enhanced U.S. Next Value ETF (NVQ). (Qraft is based in Seoul, South Korea.) The fund, a series of the Exchange Listed Funds Trust, debuted on December 2, 2020 and now has $4.88 million in AUM.

NVQ comes with an expense ratio of 75 basis points. Exchange Traded Concepts, LLC (ETC) serves as the fund's investment advisor, while Qraft Technologies, Inc. is the actively managed fund's sponsor. ETC's Todd Alberico, Andrew Serowik, and Gabriel Tan PM the fund, which is powered by Qraft's proprietary artificial intelligence security selection process, drawing on a database generated by Qraft's AI quantitative investment system.

Marcus Hyung-Sik Kim, founder and CEO of Qraft, describes NVQ as offering "a superior approach to value investing," highlighting the fund's top decile performance among mid-cap value funds.

"At its core, AI is prediction technology and Qraft's ability to apply machine learning and deep learning to evaluate massive data sets exponentially faster than any person, assessing patterns, making connections, and finding signals has helped us uncover alpha and deliver value to investors," states Francis Geeseok, Qraft's APAC CEO. 

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