A $231B-AUS Firm Adds a Small Cap Fund
(April 6)
A major asset management team rolls out a new mutual fund with help from a duo of seasoned fundsters.
A Gotham PM Dies at 42
(August 11)
Insiders mourn the loss of a New York City ETF expert.
Fundsters Golf to Support DEI
(September 13)
A trade group hits the green in support of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives across the asset management industry.
20 Fund Firms Win Big With FAs
(October 5)
A financial trade publication recognizes American Funds, Federated Hermes, and Putnam, among others in the asset management industry.
An Ex-PIMCO EVP Co-Founds an RIA
(November 2)
Two senior fundsters in California, including a PIMCO alum, foray into independent wealth management.