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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Know Your FA Audience

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

When it comes to fundsters educating their financial advisor allies, new research underscores the importance of knowing one's audience.

Thomas Neil Bathon
Fuse Research Network
Founder, Partner
Yesterday, the team at Fuse Research Network revealed findings from a recent survey that dug into FAs' marketing content preferences. The findings show generational differences in FAs' preferences.

"Advisor demand for investment and economic commentary has increased substantially compared to pre-pandemic levels, where markets witnessed near-zero interest rates and low inflation," the Fuse team writes. "Knowing your advisor audience is an important step in curating the most effective content."

For older FAs (ages 60 and up), their top preference for marketing content is white papers, the Fuse team found, with a score of 2.3 (on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being their top preference). Next up are video and webinar, tied at 2.8. Blog posts (on asset managers' websites) came in at 3.1. And podcasts came in at 4.0

For the next group of FAs (ages 45 to 59), white papers are also their average top preference, but with a score of 2.5 (so the preference isn't as strong). This group's second choice is blog posts at 2.6, followed by video (2.7), webinars (3.0), and podcasts (4.1).

Yet for the youngest FAs (ages 44 and under), their top preferences are blog posts and videos, tied at 2.7. That's followed by white papers (2.9), webinars (3.0), and podcasts (3.7). 

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