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Rating:Fido Swaps Managers Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Fido Swaps Managers

by: Theresa Sim

Fidelity has named new managers to several of its fixed income funds.

Effective November 1, George Fischer will co-manage Fidelity's Advisor Government Investment Fund. Fischer will continue to manage the Government Income Fund, Fidelity Spartan Government Income Fund, Fidelity Intermediate Government Income Fund, Fidelity Mortgage Securities Fund, Fidelity Advisor Mortgage Securities Fund, and the investment-grade bond portions of Fidelity Balanced Fund, Fidelity Strategic Income Fund and Fidelity Advisor Strategic Income Fund.

William Irving succeeds Thomas Silvia as portfolio manager of Fidelity's Ginnie Mae Fund, Inflation-Protected Bond Fund, and Advisor Inflation-Protected Bond Fund, starting on November 1. He will co-manage the Advisor Government Investment Fund.

Jeffrey Moore will take on additional responsibilities as portfolio manager of Fidelity's Investment Grade Bond Fund, Spartan Investment Grade Bond Fund, and Advisor Investment Grade Bond Fund on December 1. Moore currently manages, and will continue to manage, the investment-grade allocations of Fidelity's Asset Manager, Asset Manager: Income, Asset Manager: Growth, Asset Manager: Aggressive, and Advisors Asset Allocation Fund.

Ford O'Neil has been named portfolio manager of Fidelity's Total Bond Fund, Advisors Total Bond Fund, and Advisor Intermediate Bond Fund, effective December 1. O'Neil currently manages the Intermediate Bond Fund, U.S. Bond Index Fund, and the VIP Investment Grade Portfolio; O'Neil co-manages the VIP Asset Manager, VIP Asset Manager Growth, and investment grade bond allocations of the VIP Balanced Portfolio and the Advisor Balanced fund.  

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