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Rating:Domini Launches European SRI Fund Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, September 12, 2005

Domini Launches European SRI Fund

by: Theresa Sim

Domini Social Investments has hired Wellington Management Company for a new socially responsible fund that will focus on European companies.

The Domini European Social Equity Fund will hold at least 80 percent of its portfolio in European companies, focusing on mid- to large-capitalization companies. Domini will seek to hold companies that "contribute positively to the creation of a wealthy and healthy society," according to the fund's prospectus.

The fund has a 160 basis point net operating expense, net of a 54 basis point fee waiver. Minimum investment in the fund is $2,500 or $1,500 for retirement accounts.

Steven Lydenberg, Jeff MacDonagh, and Kimberly Gladman from Domini will screen the fund, while Sylvia Han and Doris Dwyer at Wellington will subadvise the fund.  

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