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Rating:Securian Goes Beyond Passive Investments Not Rated 3.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Securian Goes Beyond Passive Investments

News summary by MFWire's editors

Securian has created a chimera product of ETF indexed investments combined with strategic and tactical allocations to satisfy the investor who doesn't want to take a purely passive approach to the markets. Securian Signal integrates asset allocation, ETF investing, and behavioral finance to allow clients to look to the future yet maintain a built-in tactical decision process. The portfolios will be managed by XTF advisors. -ed.

Investors who understand the advantages of indexed investments but who aren't satisfied taking a purely passive approach to the markets may find the Securian Signal managed account meets their needs. The new product from Securian Financial Services, Inc., uses exchange-traded fund (ETF) index investments combined with strategic and tactical allocations.

"Securian Signal allows our advisors to meet client needs in a particularly vigorous way. Integrating asset allocation, ETF investing, and behavioral finance, Securian Signal allows clients to look to the long term while also having a built-in tactical decision process," said George Connolly, president and CEO, Securian Financial Services. "It brings new direction and precision to the traditional investment account."

The portfolios will be managed by XTF Advisors which uses a tactical asset allocation model that monitors the economy and the markets. When economic signals are right, the model makes investment adjustments. It does not change the types of investments in a portfolio, only the percentage of the portfolio invested in a particular asset class.

"No one else offers the same combination of advisor-based service along with the technical power of our disciplined approach," says Connolly.

XTF Advisors can over- or under-weight specific asset classes depending upon changing market conditions. If the model indicates that equity markets are strong, more money will be shifted into equities. If equities look weak, more money will be shifted into fixed income.

Investments in the Securian Signal account are based on the investor's goals, time frame and tolerance for risk. When opening an account, the investor completes a concise questionnaire. The answers help identify which of seven portfolios is most appropriate; an aggressive investor who is willing to take more risk and seek higher returns will have a portfolio weighted toward equities. A conservative portfolio will include a higher percentage of fixed income investments.

Securian Financial Services, Inc., is a subsidiary of Securian Financial Group, Inc., which helps provide financial security for individuals and businesses in the form of insurance, retirement plans and investments. As of December 31, 2006, Securian has $575 billion of life insurance in force, $28 billion in assets under management, and a work force of 3,300 employees in its St. Paul, MN headquarters and offices across the country. Securian serves more than 7,000,000 individuals in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. Securian Financial Services, Inc., is a member NASD/SIPC, 400 Robert St. N., St. Paul MN 55101, 888-237-1838.


Edited by: Erin Kello

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