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Rating:New Tool is the Key to Unlocking Secrets of the Weathiest Investors Not Rated 3.6 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, May 8, 2007

New Tool is the Key to Unlocking Secrets of the Weathiest Investors

Reported by Erin Kello

Which investments do independent advisers choose for their wealthiest clients? Robert Huebscher hopes to answer that question with a service offered by his newly founded company, Advisor Perspectives.

The service examines the trends of high- and ultra-high net worth investors whose assets are managed by RIAs. Through the company's website ( www.advisorperspectives.com) , RIAs and financial advisors can access data about asset allocation and mutual fund selection among elite investors, drawing on a database comprising approximately $50 billion in assets, with an average account size of nearly $1 million.

"This tool is unique, it looks at a pure universe of high net worth investors," Huebscher told The MFWire

Advisors are very interested in this service since they can use this tool to get into the minds of the wealthiest investors in terms of asset allocation choices.

"The funds chosen by high-net worth investors consistently out-performed their benchmarks," Huebscher added.

The service provides data within different tiers based on account size. The highest tier, with an average account size of nearly $4 million, shows how wealthy investors are placing their bets. Users view asset allocation data by asset class and domicile, across dimensions of market capitalization, style, bond maturity, and quality.

Advisor Perspectives also ranks the most popular mutual funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs). Users see which funds attracted the most assets based on account size, asset class, domicile, and other dimensions.  

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