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Rating:4. Tim Buckley Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, November 27, 2009

4. Tim Buckley

Reported by InvestmentWires Staff, 

Tim Buckley
Managing Director, Retail Investor Group,, Vanguard Group
A rising star at Vanguard, Tim Buckley began his career as then-chairman Jack Bogle's assistant and now oversees client service for individual investors in his role as managing director of the retail investor group. The Harvard MBA is one of nine people on CEO Bill McNabb's senior management crew. Through June, Vanguard saw its share of the mutual fund market climb to 15 percent from 13 percent a year earlier, according to Strategic Insight. Last year, investors sank $84 billion into Vanguard's products and $55 billion in the first half of the year.

Buckley, who has been with Vanguard for 18 years, told American Banker in a December 2008 interview that during the market tumult from September to October last year, sales leads and new accounts increased at Vanguard, and in its brokerage business, buys trumped sells by a 2-to-1 ratio.

Boston-born Buckley arrived at Vanguard in 1991 fresh from earning an economics degree at Harvard College. After serving as Bogle's assistant, Buckley went on to take leadership posts within planning and development, retail and Web services. Before assuming his current post, he ran Vanguard's information technology unit, where one of the things he focused on was the integration of phone and Web client service systems. 

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