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Rating:Franklin is on the Prowl for a Branding Expert Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Franklin is on the Prowl for a Branding Expert

Reported by Patricia Kelly

Experienced ad execs and marketing gurus may want to pay Franklin Templeton a call. The San Mateo, California-headquartered fund firm is currently interviewing candidates for senior vice president of global branding and advertising, a company spokesperson confirmed to The MFWire.

The California-based position, which will report to John Greer, executive vice president for global branding and advertising, is to play an integral role in supporting Franklin Templeton's brand globally and helping to leverage advertising as a key component of the company's sales and marketing efforts.

It was not immediately clear whether the post is new or if the executive will be replacing someone.

In the three months ended September 30, Franklin spent $37.3 million on advertising and promotion, down 18 percent from the year-ago period. In the 12 months ended September 30, it spent $116.1 million, down 37 percent from a year earlier. 

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