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Rating:Putnam, BlackRock Win Again Not Rated 5.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Putnam, BlackRock Win Again

Reported by Daniel Tovrov

Boston-based consulting firm DALBAR has named its 2009 Service Award Winners in the mutual fund category.

This year, BlackRock and Transamerica Funds took home their tenth awards, Evergreen Investments its twelfth, and Putnam Investments its eighteenth. Also honored were JP Morgan Funds and New York Life Investment Management, which both earned their ninth prize. Lord Abbett and Primerica Shareholder Services both won their seventh awards, and John Hancock Signature Services came away with its second.

The award is an annual recognition of companies with the highest quality of customer service.

"Earning this award fully underscores the commitment of these companies to their customers, even when faced with new and different pressures as has been the case throughout 2009", stated Csilla von Csiky, managing director at DALBAR, in release

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