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Rating:Strategic Insight Ranks the 25 Fastest-Growing Fund Firms Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Strategic Insight Ranks the 25 Fastest-Growing Fund Firms

Reported by Armie Margaret Lee

DoubleLine Capital, which launched its mutual fund business in April of last year, took the crown as the number one fastest growing fund firm in the 12 months ended March 2011, according to Strategic Insight. SI arrived at the rankings by looking at fund firms' net flow growth rate, or net flows divided by beginning-period assets.

The numbers include stock and bond mutual funds and ETFs and excluded VA funds. The list also excludes the smallest fund managers, generally those with less than $1 billion of AUM.

Los Angeles-based DoubleLine, which Jeffrey Gundlach launched after his ouster from TCW, had $5.9 billion in net new flows in the 12 months ended March 31.

Rounding out the top five are Global X Management, Stone Harbor, AQR Capital Management and ETF Securities USA.

Here's the list:
1. DoubleLine Capital
2. Global X Management
3. Stone Harbor
4. AQR Capital Management
5. ETF Securities USA
6. Yacktman
7. JPMorgan Chase (ETN)
8. International Value Advisers
9.ALPS Advisors Inc.
10. Water Island (Arbitrage)
11. Pacific Heights (Permanent Port.)
12. First Trust Advisors
13. Primecap Management
14. Cambiar
15. Tortoise Capital Advisors
16. WisdomTree Asset Management
17. Barclays Capital (ETN)
18. Absolute Invest
19. Osterweis Capital
20. Driehaus Capital
21. Credit Suisse
22. Westchester (Merger Fund)
23. Tocqueville
24. Harding Loevner
25. Abundance Tech (Free Market funds)  

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