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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Saturna Creates an iPhone App

Reported by Armie Margaret Lee

Saturna Capital Corp. [see profile], which runs the Amana Funds, Sextant Funds and Idaho Tax-Exempt Fund, has rolled out an iPhone app. The application made its debut in Apple's iPhone App Store a month ago and features videos and market commentary, in addition to providing daily prices for Saturna's nine affiliated mutual funds.

Bellingham, Washington-based Saturna is planning to release a second version of the app by the end of the year, Saturna president Jane Carten told The MFWire.com. The second version will feature enhanced interactivity and enable shareholders to log in to their accounts.

The firm counts more than 100,000 shareholders in its funds.

Carten said Saturna created the app in response to client demand. The firm tapped a third-party consultant to help develop the app. 

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