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Rating:Merrill Honchos On the Move Not Rated 4.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, November 14, 2002

Merrill Honchos On the Move

by: Sean Hanna, Editor in Chief

Merrill Lynch is continuing to shake up its senior ranks. The firm confirmed that Bob Alderman is moved from Merrill Lynch Investment Managers to Merrill's U.S. private client group. Alderman oversees sales for the brokerage's alternative investment unit.

The firm also confirmed that Robert Dineen, senior vice president and head of Merrill Consults is leaving at the start of December. Dineen is retiring, according to the firm. No replacement has been announced but the position is expected to be filled internally. He had replaced Mike Feigeles a year ago.

The two moves are unrelated. Dineen left for personal reasons and Alderman was moved out of MLIM to the private client group to bring the operating lines for the alternatives unit in line with the firms defined contribution and managed account structure.  

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