Fund marketers should no longer be thinking that they need a Morningstar rating for their funds in order to see inflows. At least that is what Dan Jamieson of
InvestmentNews reports.
Morningstar data shows that from April 1, 2011, through March 31, 2012, $109.5 billion net flowed into unrated mutual funds with less than three years of track records.
Those figures rival inflows into four- and five-star mutual funds and surpassing those into lower-rated mutual funds.
The lion's share went to a fund that roared in L.A: $15.4 billion, more than 14 percent of the total, flowed into star PM's
Jeff Gundlach's
DoubleLine Total Return Bond Fund [
Meanwhile, $2.2 billion went into the
Pimco CommoditiesPlus Strategy Fund [
InvestmentNews pointed to alternative strategies and new share classes of mutual fund giants' existing offerings as big unrated, freshly launched drawers of net inflows.
Strategic Insight senior research analyst
Loren Fox and
Lipper Americas Research head
Jeff Tjornehoj both weighed in for the article. 
Edited by:
Neil Anderson, Managing Editor
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