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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bogle Honored as an Humanitarian

Reported by Erin Kello

Jack Bogle has taken home another award. But this time the kudos are not for his mutual fund work. The Vanguard founder received an Humanitarian Award given by the Lown Cardiovascular Research Center at a star studded affair earlier this month.

In a letter to Vanguard principals and Veterans, Bogle said that the affair was attended by many fund industry illuminati, including executives from Wellington Management, Grantham Management and other Boston fund advisors. Jeremy Grantham of GMO was the keynote speaker.

Dr. Lown, the namesake of the award, introduced Bogle and spoke of his commitment to serving others as well as his experience having him as a patient.

As always, Bogle expressed in the letter that he is always reluctant to circulate self-involved commentaries, but if he doesn't do it "it won't get done." 

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