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Rating:T. Rowe's Athey Likes Extremes Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, June 18, 2012

T. Rowe's Athey Likes Extremes

News summary by MFWire's editors

Jack Willoughby of Barron's has profiled PM Preston Athey of the $7 billion T. Rowe Price Small Cap Value Fund.

The 34-year T. Rowe Price veteran is portrayed as a cut-to-the-chase manager who never sticks to any one discipline or technique when investing. His overarching gameplan -- which, by the way, has successfully produced an average annual return of 12.02 percent for the fund -- has been to find out-of-favor bargains to invest in.

While Athey does pay heed to risks, he tends to seek opportunity in extremes.

"Whatever the extreme, you have to play against it," Athey told Barron's. "It's never as good as you think it is when it's great, and never as bad as you think it is when it's bad."

Athey tends to stick with the stocks he likes. Currently, Athey favors oil-tanker stocks like Overseas Shipholding Group and Teekay Tankers

Edited by: Irene Park

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