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Rating:Kinnel Spotlights Funds from Four Institutional Heavyweights Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Kinnel Spotlights Funds from Four Institutional Heavyweights

News summary by MFWire's editors

A quartet of mutual funds that have won the hearts and minds of institutional investors may get a retail distribution boost if Morningstar analyst Russel Kinnel is heard. Morningstar's director for mutual fund research, names four funds that have been off the radar screens of individual investors.

The four mutual funds include:

  • Laudus Growth Investors US Large Cap Growth (LGILX)
    This fund belongs to a subadvised fund line by Schwab [profile], and the subadvisor is UBS [profile]. With currently around $1 billion in assets, this fund under Lawrence Kemp and his UBS team haas "been an oasis of stability and strong performance," writes Kinnel.

  • Artisan Global Value (ARTGX) [profile]
    PMs David Samra and Dan O'Keefe
  • Manning & Napier Pro-Blend Moderate Term (EXBAX) [profile]
    The fund "clearly isn't run by marketing folks." Instead Manning & Napier's team has aligned the interests of shareholders with the fund's -- for instance, even though the fund has beaten the benchmark, if the recommendations made by an analyst paved way for money loss on certain periods, the analyst can say goodbye to his bonus.

  • Western Asset Core Bond (WATFX)
    Legg Mason [profile] affiliate Western Asset Management has $443 billion in AUM. This fund currently has around $2 billion assets under management. "Western runs quite a lot of money for pension funds and routinely competes with PIMCO and BlackRock for business, yet it hasn't received much attention from individual investors," writes Kinnel. 

    Edited by: HFD

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