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Rating:Morningstar Played by the Fools Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, July 2, 2012

Morningstar Played by the Fools

Reported by Sean Hanna, Editor in Chief

Advisors wandering booths during last month's Morningstar Investment Conference may have seen something foolish. No, it was not the nerf gun. Well, maybe it was. The folks at the Motley Fool Funds [profile] brought their nerf gun to their first mutual fund show to celebrate their initial mutual fund turning three years old.

Carl Hendley, director of business development for Motley Fool Asset Management, told the MFWire that the Alexandria, Virginia-based shop is leveraging the three-year track record of Independence Fund by going on the conference circuit.

The next stop for the Fool Funds will be at Schwab Impact in the fall.

The firm also offers the 19-month-old Great America Fund and the seven-month old Epic Voyage Fund.

Hendley said that the Fool booth was a busy one, with advisors who knew of the fund stopping in to learn more about it, and others who had heard of Motley Fool but not its funds exploring the young family. 

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