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Rating:Emerald Advisory Services Taps a Subadvisor Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, July 13, 2012

Emerald Advisory Services Taps a Subadvisor

Reported by DW

The EAS Trademark Capital Global Fund now has a subadvisor. Emerald Advisory Services (EAS) [profile] has brought aboard Trademark Capital Management to oversee the mutual fund's investment strategy, which is managed by Emerald Asset Advisors. [SEC filing]

In a phone interview with MFWire, Medon Michaelides, managing partner at EAS, confirmed that the fund did not have a subadvisor before the move.

The fund invests in models of ETFs that replicate indices or sectors in which they are interested in investing and creates "modified index baskets" of selected equities that drive these indices.

While EAS has not worked with Trademark in this capacity before, EAS' decision to partner with Trademark was based on the latter's record and the "impressive pedigrees" of its principals, Michaelidis explained.

Two principals worked with Stadion Money Management prior to establishing Trademark in 2006. One principal, Don Beasley, co-founded Stadion in 1991, then known as Personal Mutual Fund Management, Inc. The name change occurred in 2009. Beasley retired and sold his shares of Stadion in 2006, returning to the industry shortly thereafter for his current role with Trademark.

Steve Athanassie, Trademark managing principal and one of three PMs on the EAS Trademark Capital Global Fund, added that Trademark is excited to partner with EAS on this fund. 

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