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Monday, August 6, 2012

Kornitzer Appoints Distribution Head

Reported by JY

Kornitzer Capital Management [profile] has named Tony DeMarino head of global distribution for its Buffalo Funds lineup, according to a press release today.

DeMarino will work to package and sell Buffalo Funds' ten mutual funds. Prior to working with Buffalo Funds, DeMarino worked with Scout Investments.

A Kornitzer spokeswoman told MFWire that this is a new position.

"You may not have heard of Buffalo Funds before, but we expect you’re going to hear a lot about us going forward," the release quotes DeMarino as saying.

The release notes that Buffalo Funds is also working to add sale representatives to cover the midwest and eastern regions.

The company press release is below.

Buffalo Funds is taking bold steps to reach new markets, expand brand awareness, and compete better in the crowded mutual fund marketplace.  Tony DeMarino was recently brought on board as Head of Global Distribution to lead the sales and marketing team in packaging and selling the Buffalo Funds family of ten no-load mutual funds.  Formerly with Scout Investments, DeMarino understands both the challenges and rewards he can expect in growing the firm’s AUM and reputation.

DeMarino explains, "I accepted this position because of the great opportunity – for me personally and for the Buffalo Funds.  This is a firm with a great story, great product offerings, and some really talented investment professionals.  I want my team to take that message nationwide and let the investment community know they need to give us a closer look.  You may not have heard of Buffalo Funds before, but we expect you’re going to hear a lot about us going forward."

As part of the expansion efforts, sales representatives will be added to provide better coverage for the Intermediary channel in the Midwest and Eastern regions.  The Western U.S. will continue to be handled by Ned Meloni.  Dwight Twillman will continue in his role of sales consultant for the institutional/pension plan investors.

To learn more about the Buffalo Funds, visit www.buffalofunds.com or call 1-800-49-BUFFALO.

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