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Rating:Vanguard Loses the Top Spot on a Fund-Flows List Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, August 13, 2012

Vanguard Loses the Top Spot on a Fund-Flows List

Reported by Chris Cumming

Today Morningstar released its report on mutual fund flows for July, and Pimco has unseated Vanguard from its perch at the top of the list of inflow leaders. Bill Gross's firm took in $6.58 billion on the month, compared to Vanguard's $6.46 billion.

Of the that total, Pimco's Total Return Fund took in $2.1 billion. The next most popular fund was Doubleline's Total Return Bond Fund, with $1.4 billion of inflows for the month.

Right behind Pimco and Vanguard on the inflows list were Principal, which added $2.2 billion, and Doubleline, with $1.6 billion.

Trailing the pack was American Funds. The fund family's streak of consecutive outflows reached 37 months, as investors withdrew just under $4.2 billion from the fund family in July, $2.6 billion of it from the American Funds Growth Fund of America.

Other fund families with big outflows on the month were Russell, from which investors pulled just under a billion, Pioneer, which lost $856 million, and the newly sold Janus, from which investors withdrew $769 million.  

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