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Rating:A Pair of B-Ds Add Stadion Not Rated 5.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, September 14, 2012

A Pair of B-Ds Add Stadion

Reported by Tommy Fernandez

Stadion Money Management [profile] has added two new regionals to its broker-dealer list, RBC and Stifel, in an effort to aggressively market two mutual funds.

Both products were launched in April. They are the Olympus Fund, and the Trilogy Fund.

The Trilogy Fund, launched in April, has three parts designed to generate absolute return, with a big focus on lower risk and volatility than the U.S. equity markets. The portfolio consists of an equity component ("collared equity"), an income component ("option income") and a trend component. It has earned nearly $80 million AUM so far.

National sales head Tim McCabe has been beefing up Stadion's wholesaling team to market the funds.

The strategy is to pitch these funds to wirehouses and advisors who cater to wealthy clients weary of the wild bear markets.

"Everything we do has a risk management focus," Brad Thompson, chief investment officer at Stadion, told MFWire. "These will never be home-run strategies, but they will be steady return streams — no matter what the market environment."  

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